Sunday, March 09, 2025

Do You Remember: A Girl's Best Friend

| August 17, 2017 1:00 AM

Another fair picture for you! Do you know this young girl and who her friend is? Do you know the year? If you have an answer, please email doyouremember or call the museum. If you would like to stay anonymous, just let us know.

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Two weeks ago, we shared a picture of a young man and his horse. Norma Robertson identified her son Dan Robertson. He was receiving the Grand Champion Showmanship Trophy for his 4-H entry. The judge will remain anonymous.

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Last week’s picture was well recognized. Gretchen Beamer, Roy Marquis, Matt Philbrook and all the way from Kentucky Phillip Bourassa could identify the young man and the activity. It was Rick Philbrook, in his Selkirk Saddle Club vest, taking part in the chicken scramble.

Matt tells us that Rick and he were taking a part in the wild chicken run. They would let go greased baby pigs, chickens and baby goats and the kids would scramble around to catch one. Matt tried for a piglet, but they were too well greased. Rick took the safer route and caught a chicken. They named it Mable. Matt has fond memories of this event with the kids screaming and shouting and the bleachers were just a rolling in laughter.

Thank you everyone for your answers.

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Your Boundary County Historical Society and Museum, 7229 Main, Bonners Ferry, Idaho sponsors this column. During the summer, we will be open Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. To help maintain the buildings, a small entrance fee is requested. It is $2 per person or $5 per family. There is no charge for those younger than 14 or for the Boundary County Historical Society members. Visit the website at for a list of the latest events or we can be reached at 208-267-7720.

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Do you have any Smokey Bear memorabilia to loan the museum? They are making a display for the Sundance fire presentation and could use your help. This would be a temporary loan only. Bring it by the museum and talk to Sue. Thank you!