Monday, March 03, 2025

Boundary County Middle School

| August 24, 2017 1:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome back to the beginning of another school year! Boundary County Middle School is excited to open the doors to students once again for another amazing year.

Student schedules will be available beginning Tuesday, Aug. 29. Our attached Middle School Student Information Sheet is required to be filled out completely on both sides before we will release a student’s schedule.

We will be working hard to improve our academic focus and build on last year’s success. Last year, we were able to improve our ISAT test scores in most areas and hope to continue that trend this year by improving in all areas.

We will be returning most teachers from last year, with only two changes, which should help us maintain consistency and improve results.

In an attempt to have better communication and celebrate the many positive things about our school, we will continue our privacy and media policy which is an opt-out procedure. This means we may post pictures of students and/or their work on our website or other social media outlet (Facebook, Twitter, etc) unless parents write a letter opting out of this practice. We hope this will allow us to be more timely and positive in our community communication.

Please help us maintain a safe atmosphere at school, especially at the end of the day. Do not drive or park in our west parking lot from 3:50-4:10 p.m. as the buses are using the space to drop off and pick up students. Students are also walking and riding their bikes in the same area making a very congested area during that time. Instead, please instruct students to meet you at the north or south parking lots to be picked up.

Finally, please remind your children of our modest dress code and electronics policies. Dress must modestly cover the body and all electronics must be off and put away from the time they arrive at school until the final bell.

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We have included some important dates as summer draws to a close.

Free Immunization/Vaccination Clinic: Wednesday, Aug. 30, 8-11:30 at BCMS

Boundary County Middle School will be hosting Panhandle Health District who will be on site providing free* immunizations/vaccinations. Parent or guardian will need to complete a Parent Consent Form (available at BCMS), bring insurance information if you have it, and bring a copy of vaccination record for child. *Free for non-insured and any balance remaining for insured will be waived (they will bill insurance to recoup some of the cost).

Registration: Tuesday, Aug. 29 and Thursday, Aug. 31

Boundary County Middle School will have registration for grades six, seven, and eight from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Students who attended BCMS last year may pick up their class schedule, pay fees, and receive their locker assignments at this time. For students who are new to the district, parents/guardians can complete the registration process at this time. All registration materials must be completed to get a student’s schedule.

Sixth Grade Transition Day: Wednesday, Aug. 30

Sixth grade students and their parents/guardians are invited to attend Transition Day from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. Students will get the opportunity to meet and get to know BCMS staff, their teachers, and fellow students, and become more comfortable at their new school including practicing opening their lockers.

First Day of School: Tuesday, Sept. 5

The 2017-2018 school year starts at 8 a.m.!

Beginning of Fall Athletics: Thursday, Sept. 7

Football, cheerleading, volleyball and cross country practices will begin at 4:15 p.m. Students wishing to participate in these activities need to have a current physical exam, proof of insurance, completed and passed initial drug screening, and completed school sports packet which is available in the BCMS office.

Fall Sports Initial Drug Screening: Friday, Sept. 8

All 7-8 grade students planning to participate in fall sports must pass an initial drug screening. We will provide screening at BCMS beginning at 9:00am for cross country, 9:30 a.m. for volleyball, 10 a.m. for cheerleaders, and 10:30 a.m. for football athletes (times are approximate). Athletes need to bring $5 to pay for the screening.

Back to School Night: Monday, Sept. 11

BCMS will be hosting Back to School Night from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. for all sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students and parents/guardians. The purpose of this open house style evening is to allow teachers to meet with parents/guardians and discuss their classes, expectations, and general requirements and allow parents to ask questions for the upcoming school year.

Instrument Night: Monday, Sept. 11

BCMS will host an instrument night from 5:30-8 p.m. in conjunction with Back to School Night. Students and parents can access information concerning band and get their instruments during this time.

Picture Days: Thursday, Sept. 14 and Tuesday, Sept. 26

Individual student pictures will be taken during school as well as Cheerleading and Volleyball pictures after school on Sept. 14. Cross Country and Football pictures will be after school on Sept. 26.

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If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the BCMS office at 208-267-5852.

Thank you!