Wednesday, March 12, 2025

This Day in Bonners Ferry History

| August 24, 2017 1:00 AM

100 Year

A fire of unknown origin completely destroyed the barn on G.W. Spoerry’s ranch in Park addition about nine o’clock Friday morning. Mr. Spoerry’s crop of clover seed was stored in the barn and it was also destroyed. The loss is estimated at about $1,700 and partially covered by insurance. It is believed that the fire was started from tobacco ashes dropped by persons who had slept in the barn as neighbors had seen parties about the place the night before. The barn is easy access from the Great Northern tracks and in the past Mr. Spoerry had had considerable trouble to keep tramps out of the barn.

Washington – It costs the United States just $156.30 to equip an infantryman for service in France.

Last Wednesday the members of the Reader’s club moved the Bonners Ferry Public Library from Simond’s Drug Store to the commercial club rooms in the O’Callaghan building, where book cases, desks and chairs have been installed and a comfortable placed fitted up for the use of the patrons of the library.

The Best Farm Buy In The County – 160 acres, one mile from railroad station; 100 acres creek bottom with 30 acres cleared, balance easily cleared; 60 acres bench land with some timber; no stone. Fine trout stream runs through this land; eight-room house with six closets; pantry and hall; two large hay barns, stable and blacksmith shop; good range for stock. Price, $4,750- $3,250 cash.

Dore & McGlocklin, Real Estate, Rentals and Insurance.

50 Year

Two major fires in the Kaniksu national forest continue to burn out of control, according to a report received Wednesday from Forest Service officials. The Kaniksu mountain fire, located about 30 miles northwest of Bonners Ferry, worsened Tuesday as winds and impossible terrain created new problems for firefighters. The huge Trapper peak fire continues to crawl across the rugged mountain terrain 25 miles northwest of Bonners Ferry. The blaze has gobbled up 6300 acres so far and crews on the fire total 1200 men, along with equipment support of 24 dozers, three tankers and four helicopters.

A truck loaded with produce and driven by James P. Peirone, 22, Spokane, overturned on Highway 2-95 about six miles south of Bonners Ferry last Friday morning. Driver of the northbound truck said he leaned out of the truck cab when he heard noise from the gearbox and the truck hit the shoulder of the road. The truck overturned and came to rest on its side when Peirone attempted to steer it back onto the road.

The board of trustees for School district 101 this week plans for a special election to be held in mid-October in which two school building proposals will be presented on separate ballots for the approval of voters. On one of the ballots, voters will be asked to approve a bond issue of $875,000 for construction of a new senior high school. The second ballot will seek approval of a four-mill plant facility levy over a 10-year period for additional elementary school facilities.

City water and light office front is getting a new look this week as workmen are busy installing a new front, complete with new glass and aluminum framing, glass door, a canopy and a new sidewalk.

15 Year

Shorty’s island is private property. Absolutely no hunting or trespassing. A reward will be offered for information leading to the arrest of violators. Contact your local Sheriff, Idaho Fish and Game or call 941-951-6345. Property has been posted.

The Boundary County Commissioners recently approved additional funding to help the county Ambulance Association purchase three defibrillators. “This funding helped us purchase the defibrillators, and now we have enough to outfit all of the ambulances,: said Bill Munson, Boundary County Ambulance Association. “One of these is based in Porthill and the other two are in town. The whole package cost $6,000.”

As it responded to a hog-fuel fire at Fodge Pulp Friday afternoon, a large pumper truck from Paradise Valley volunteer Fire Department was involved in a non-injury accident on Bonners Ferry’s South Hill. Witnesses reported that though the truck had its lights and siren running, a motor home pulled out in front of it near Zip Trip and Alderson lane. According to a radio call to the Boundary County Sheriff’s dispatch, Paradise Valley Fire Chief Doug Massey, said the pumper truck would be out of service until further notice.

A concern about the Boundary County Fairgrounds bleachers being filled beyond capacity was addressed with the commissioners Aug. 13. Ken Chapman said the problem is that the bleachers were designed to hold approximately 1,100 people, but during major events like the demolition derby and motorcycle races, they are seating 1,600 to 1,700 people each year, and the fire lanes are packed.