Thursday, February 27, 2025

A January update from Boundary County Middle School

by For the Herald
| January 12, 2017 12:00 AM

It is unbelievable that this semester is almost over. One half a year almost completed? Where does the time go? I know where a lot of it went. It went to helping our community, competing, participating in various events and generally being great people and citizens.

Speaking of half a year almost over, the end of the semester is January 26th. Grades will become final and permanent on that day. This would be a good time to remind all students to buckle down and complete any missing work and talk to their teachers about what they can do to get their grades up if they are lower than expected.

December is always a great time to have Generosity. In that line of thought, BCMS selected December’s Citizens of the Month using the trait Generosity. Please congratulate Ridge Williams (6th), Kelly Moellmer (7th), Marianne Pinkerton (8th), and Sue Stolley (staff) for being selected as our most generous citizens. Next month (January) is Fairness.

Generosity you say? Our turkey and ham fundraiser, in conjunction with the high school, was a resounding success. We were able to donate almost 140 turkeys and hams to the community for the holiday season. What a perfect time to be generous. Of course we turned it into a competition and of course, BCMS won.

How can we be so generous? We have fundraisers! Our Wear a Hat day fundraiser was great. Most students were wearing hats all day and even some staff joined in. What a great way to generate funds which we then used to support our community.

Our community is also generous and they helped us host our inaugural First Lego League competition which was a great success and a blast to boot. Our students did a wonderful job representing our school and in the end they won the “Robot Design” category and earned a right to attend the state competition this week-end in Moscow. Wish them luck.

Please congratulate our wrestlers when you get a chance. They had a great season this year ending with a championship at districts! It is great to see how hard work pays off in success.

Another success was our first chess tournament which was a joy to watch. Students competed during lunch time for the right to be crowned BCMS Chess Champion. In the end Zane Carver was our winner.

Our Choir put on a wonderful show before Winter Break began. I can’t wait to see their next one.

Debate will be entering a Mock Trial Competition in Spokane on January 28th. They have been working really hard to prepare and they are enjoying the community members coming in daily to help prepare them.

Leadership students are currently busy preparing for their upcoming Human Rights and anti-bullying assembly. The assembly will be Feb. 2 at BCMS gym.

Basketball has begun and we have games all through January and half of February. Please call BCMS or check the district website for dates and times.

Basketball pictures will be on Tuesday, January 17th after school.

David Miles II

BCMS Principal