Thursday, February 27, 2025

Scaling & Marketing Private Timber workshop to be held

| March 2, 2017 12:00 AM

ST. MARIES — Marketing timber is not a task most forest owners do every day. Most forest owners would like to get as much income as possible from a harvest, to pay for logging costs and have some money left to re-invest in their forests.

On Friday, March 10, a program titled “Scaling and Marketing Private Timber” will help forest owners and loggers understand: basic concepts of log measurement and evaluation; ways to increase timber sales profits, including market evaluation; and how to integrate this information into decisions on log marketing, log manufacturing, and timber sale contracts. Paying attention to these details adds up to consistently more profitable timber sales and better wood utilization. Speakers from the University of Idaho and the Idaho State Board of Scaling Practices will discuss:

- Key issues in log marketing

- Why do we scale logs?

- Scale vs. lumber yield (“overrun”)

- How to determine the scale of a log

- Does scale vary among mills?

- Idaho scaling laws and inspections

- Getting the most scale from your logs

- Other log measurement methods (wt., cubic, etc.)

- Manufacturing logs for maximum profit

- Meeting mill specifications

- Quality control: preferred log lengths and proper trim

- Professional assistance on timber sales

Scaling and Marketing Private Timber will be held on Friday, March 10, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Federal Building Meeting Room in St. Maries, on the corner of 7th Street and College Avenue. Space is limited. Those wishing to participate should pre-register through the UI Extension Office in Benewah County by Firday, March 3. A $20 registration fee covers handouts and refreshments. For registration questions, contact the UI Extension Office in Benewah County at: 208-245-2422. The program is co-sponsoreed by the University of Idaho Extension, the Idaho State Board of Scaling Practices, and the Idaho Department of Lands.