Thursday, February 27, 2025

A note on the M&O levy election

| March 9, 2017 12:00 AM

I realize that we are a community of many different interests and ideas or even our culture or way of life may differ from each other. Yet we are also a community that in despite of our differences, we stand together in time of need, we know how to carry each others burdens. I don’t know of a place that I would rather live than Bonners Ferry.

I went to a parochial school and most of our children were home schooled, it was a choice we made, as we all have choices to make. However, I have a heart to see our community grow in education, unity, and stability. Our next generation is like the soil where we plant the seeds of the future of our nation. I have gotten to know superintendent Gary Pflueger very well. He has a vision on what it takes to raise and educate the young generation. He says it takes a community to raise a child. Gary has been doing a phenomenal job in our schools.

With the added security that is needed these days to protect our children among many other expenses, the schools need our support. I don’t believe our schools are using the funds carelessly. In fact, here are some numbers to prove that:

National Average per pupil spending is $10,658

Idaho Average per pupil spending is $6,821

Boundary County per pupil spending $6,812

The Levy the school district is asking for is only to renew what they already have and should not raise our taxes. So let’s go and show our support on the 14th.

Henry Yoder

President Boundary County Ministerial Association