Sunday, February 23, 2025

This Day in History

| March 30, 2017 1:00 AM

100 Year

The owners of a group of promising copper, gold and silver claims, located six miles east of Naples, met here yesterday and adopted as the name of their organization the Mazda Mining company.

The Mazda Mining company has let a contract for the driving of 600 feet of tunnel. Two shifts will be worked throughout the spring and summer until the full length of the tunnel is driven.

For Sale – Well improved ranch, 20 acres under cultivation. Close in.

Only $1,000, half cash, balance long time payments at low rate of interest.

Will consider Bonners Ferry property for half payment. Inquire at this office for particulars.

County Surveyor Harley S. Cave returned Thursday from Leonia where he went to look after the new ferryboat.

Mr. Cave states that the ferry is in condition for service and may be used as soon as the water in the Kootenai is higher. The boat was caulked last week by contractor Parks.

The members of the Union church have arranged to give a box social in the church Friday evening. A musical program will be rendered in the forepart of the evening.

The proceeds from the sale of baskets, which will be auctioned, will be used toward paying off the debt on the piano which belongs to the church.

Western hunters who have despised the coyote as a worthless creature, to be killed if the sheep are to be protected, now find that a dead coyote is worth more than a live sheep.

They are getting eight dollars or more for each coyote pelt.

The tough hide and warm fur make coyote skins especially valuable for clothing for the soldiers in the trenches in Europe.

50 Year

It was cold and windy last Sunday, but it didn’t bother the more than 300 youngsters from throughout the county who showed up at the fairgrounds for the annual Easter egg hunt, sponsored by the Bonners Ferry Lions club. In addition to the 1,200 candy eggs found by the eager youngsters, special cash prizes were awarded to those finding eggs with lucky numbers on them.

It is not often that a sportsman gets his license initialed by conservation officers 40 times in one year – 28 times in his home county. But Edna Avery of St. Anthony did last year. She and her husband Cle do a lot of hunting and fishing in Fremont county. And, Dale Barney, conservation officer in the district, says that Edna was checked a total of 40 times.

He initialed an average of 232 licenses a month last year.

Charles P. Fields, 83, was fatally injured Tuesday afternoon when he was struck by a truck while crossing U.S. Highway 2-95, a short distance from his home on the Northside.

The accident occurred at about 1:30 Tuesday, in the vicinity where the Kootenai view cabins are located. Sheriff C.E. Lane said Fields apparently did not look for oncoming traffic and was struck by the truck when he stepped out to cross the highway. The victim was pronounced dead at the scene by County Coroner C. M. Callahan.

New Idaho record, a 29 pound, 5 ounce steelhead trout was caught last month in the north fork of the Clearwater river near Ahsahka.

The old record was 28 pounds 10 ounces.