Thursday, February 27, 2025

Court Reports

| May 11, 2017 1:00 AM

Jason A. Johnson, born 1982, charged with misdemeanor use or intent to use drug paraphernalia by BCSO on June 18, 2013.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 2 with fines $297.50, costs of $204.50, one year of probation, and 30 days jail, with 28 suspended. 16 hours SILP in lieu.

Duke C.W. Huckabee, born 1973, charged with felony willfully withholding or concealing knowledge of a felony from a peace officer, judge or jury by BCSO on Nov. 8, 2015.

Disposition: Dismissed on motion of prosecutor on May 4.

Duke C.W. Huckabee, born 1973, charged with felony failed to notify or delayed notification of death by BCSO on Nov. 8, 2015.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 4 with fines $300, costs of $245.50, one year determinate time, two years indeterminate time with two days credited time. Retained jurisdiction.

Chase W. Brown, born 1997, charged with misdemeanor possession of marijuana by BFPD on Feb. 12.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on Feb. 2 with fines $92.50, costs of $207.50, restitution of $100, 36 days of probation, and 30 days jail, with 28 suspended. 16 hours SILP in lieu of two days of jail.

Wayne E. Zimmerman, born 1973, charged with misdemeanor (weight- 4001 lbs. and over) exceeding allowable gross loads by POE on March 14.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 4 with fines $148 and costs of $157.50.

Michael A. Cromwell, born 1998, charged with misdemeanor failure to provide proof of insurance (second or subsequent offense) by BFPD on March 27.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 1, with fines of $142.50, costs of $157.50, and three days jail with three credited.

Nathanael B. Zilinski, born 1990, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by BFPD on April 5.

Disposition: Found guilty on May 1, with fines of $33.50 and costs of $56.50.

Nicholas Richard Crettol, born 1989, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by ISP on April 7.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 1, with fines of $33.50 and costs of $56.50.

Jason L. Neff, born 1964, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by BFPD on April 13.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 4, with fines of $33.50 and costs of $56.50.

James W. Anderson, born 1970, charged with misdemeanor disturbing the peace by BCSO on April 7.

Disposition: Dismissed on motion of prosecutor on May 4.

James W. Anderson, born 1970, charged with misdemeanor resisting or obstructing officers by BCSO on April 7.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 1 with fines $132.50, costs of $167.50, 364 days of probation, and 90 days jail, with 28 suspended and one credited. 8 hours SILP in lieu of one day of jail.

Lillian D. Leach, born 1996, charged with infraction front and rear bumpers with height requirements by BFPD on April 9.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on April 30, with fines of $10.50 and costs of $56.50.

Lillian D. Leach, born 1996, charged with infraction failure to give notice of change of address or name by BFPD on April 9.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on April 30, with fines of $10.50 and costs of $56.50.

Jamie M. Twining, born 1978, charged with misdemeanor driving under the influence by BFPD on April 11.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Withheld on May 1.

Jeramy E. Murray, born 1990, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by BFPD on April 13.

Disposition: Found guilty on May 1, with fines of $33.50 and costs of $56.50.

Cordell A. Jensen, born 1990, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by ISP on April 17.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 5, with fines of $33.50 and costs of $56.50.

Bryanna A. Calderone, born 2000, charged with misdemeanor driving under the influence, under age 21 by BFPD on April 15.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 5 with fines $787.50, suspended $500, costs of $212.50, 364 days of probation, and drivers license suspended one year.

Quinn A. Palmer, born 1999, charged with infraction failure to provide proof of insurance by BFPD on April 14.

Disposition: Dismissed on motion of prosecutor on May 5.

Kyle D. Bowers, born 1977, charged with misdemeanor logbook- 11 hour rule violation by ISP on April 18.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on April 2 with fines $43.50 and costs of $157.50.

Nicholas W. Westbrook, born 1999, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed (16 MPH or over) by BFPD on April 21.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 1, with fines of $98.50 and costs of $59.50.

Dakota K. Blaese, born 1993, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by BFPD on April 22.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 1, with fines of $33.50 and costs of $56.50.

Harrison B. Lerner, born 1992, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed (16 MPH or over) by BFPD on April 23.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 4, with fines of $98.50 and costs of $56.50.

Josiyah N. Skinner, born 1992, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by ISP on April 25.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 1, with fines of $33.50 and costs of $56.50.

Gregory F. Drover, born 1959, charged with misdemeanor false logbook by ISP on April 25.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on April 2 with fines $263.50 and costs of $157.50.

Leilani T.M. Ram, born 2001, charged with infraction failure to stop and/or yield at a stop sign by BFPD on April 24.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 5, with fines of $33.50 and costs of $56.50.

Steven D. Aver, born 1960, charged with infraction failure to provide proof of insurance by BFPD on April 28.

Disposition: Dismissed on motion of prosecutor on May 4.

Lorna H.T. Messinger, born 1962, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by BFPD on April 28.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 4, with fines of $33.50 and costs of $56.50.

Daniel O. Ralph, born 1986, charged with misdemeanor transferred in for supervised probation from another county by out of county agency/supervisor on May 1.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 1, with one year probation.

David W. Harvey, born 1963, charged with misdemeanor domestic violence without trauma against a household member by BFPD on May 2.

Disposition: Pleaded not guilty. Dismissed on motion of prosecutor on May 5.

Calvin D. Tymburski, born 1963, charged with misdemeanor CFR possession or use of alcohol by ISP on May 2.

Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on May 4, with fines of $263.50 and costs of $157.50.

Tanniesha Rodriguez, born 2000, charged with felony trafficking in methamphetamine or amphetamine by BFPD on Feb. 11.

Disposition: Pleaded deny. Found true on May 2, with costs $70, restitution of $100, two years probation, and 180 days detention.

Tanniesha Rodriguez, born 2000, charged with charged with misdemeanor possession of marijuana by BFPD on Feb. 11.

Disposition: Pleaded deny. Found true on May 2, with restitution of $100, two years probation, and 90 days detention.

Tanniesha Rodriguez, born 2000, charged with charged with misdemeanor use or possession of drug paraphernalia with intention to use by BFPD on Feb. 11.

Disposition: Pleaded deny. Dismissed on motion of prosecutor on May 2, with restitution of $100.