Thursday, February 27, 2025

Friends of KNWR looking for members

| November 9, 2017 12:00 AM

The annual meeting of the Friends of Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge (KNWR) will take place in the Ed Barn of the Wildlife Refuge at noon on Tuesday, Nov. 14.

They are looking to elect a new president, since Deb Staal moved away. They also would like to breakdown current tasks so that each person does not have too much to do. There will be discussion of the Planning Meeting usually held in January each year to set goals for the coming year.

They are hoping to find people that will become more involved with supporting our local Refuge through volunteer efforts on projects, Educational Programs and Events that are always open to the public. They are a fun, friendly, non-political group that loves the outdoors.

There will be coffee, hot water for tea and hot chocolate, and cookies. Please bring a sack lunch and/or items to share.