Thursday, March 06, 2025

This Year in Bonners Ferry History

| October 26, 2017 1:00 AM

100 Year

W.F. Dunning took his oath and assumed his new duties as sheriff of Boundary county Wednesday. On Friday the appointment of Alva Fry as deputy sheriff was filed.

Delmar, the seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. O.S. Davis, is proudly wearing the laurels of the youngest huntsman of the community. Delmar recently made for himself a bow and arrow but until last Thursday did not have the opportunity to test his marksmanship. On that day, however, he was fortunate in spying a wild rabbit in the words near his home. The bow and arrow was brought into service and Delmar bagged his first rabbit.

A logging road is being opened up Mission Creek from Copeland and the Columbia Lumber and Timber Company plans to install a sawmill on Mission creek which will handle the saw timber of the district. The sawed lumber will be flumed to the K.V. railway. About 100,000 cedar poles are available in the district.

Mr. and Mrs. O.R. Stookey are the proud parents of a baby boy which arrived at their home Saturday. Mr. Stookey has selected a name for the new member of his family but to-date has not secured the approval of Mrs. Stookey.

50 Year

The first concrete was poured recently in the project of installing the new city sewage lagoon system. Footings were poured on the north side of the river for one of two piers which will be anchored to support a cable suspension bridge that will carry sewer lines across the river. Cable will be suspended from a 62 foot tower. Excavation work is nearing completion on one large lagoon and three smaller ones for the system, and the entire project is expected to be completed this fall barring bad weather.

Seen and Heard…..Warren Truesdell being greeted by a live pheasant in his office Monday morning.

Pacific Gas Transmission company proposes to spend nearly $21 million in the Pacific Northwest in the next two years to carry additional natural gas from Canada to California. Included in the plans is a new compressor station to be constructed in Boundary county, two miles south of Eastport, at an estimated capital cost of $2,960,000. The unit is scheduled for construction in 1969.

The annual death toll resulting from fires is shocking. There were 43 fatalities in Idaho last year. Forty died in home fires and three in public buildings. More than half the victims were under 10 year old. Forty-two percent were less than five years. Fifteen counties reported deaths in fires. Cassia county had seven and Teton county had six.

15 Year

An alert issued by the U.S. Marshals last week led to the arrest of a 41-year old man convicted of bank robbery and escape Sunday in Bonners Ferry. Bonners Ferry Police Chief Dave Kramer said Raymond Holsett was convicted of four bank robberies in Los Angeles and escaped custody during a transfer between facilities. Idaho State Police, U.S. Marshals, FBI and local law enforcement were able to locate, follow and arrest Holsett on the Kootenai River bridge. The vehicle Holsett was traveling in contained a 9 mm Beretta handgun with three loaded high-capacity magazines.

Federal and state wildlife officials are investigating the shooting death of a grizzly bear in the Selkirk Mountains. The carcass of the four-year old male grizzly was discovered on Oct. 4 on Lamb Creek Road in the Selkirk Mountains, about seven miles west of Priest Lake. Authorities believe the bear was shot sometime after Oct. Idaho Citizens Against Poaching the Defenders of Wildlife are offering a reward of up to $4,000 for information which leads to the arrest of the person or persons involved in the bear’s death.

A new study says only five states have more hungry citizens than Idaho. The numbers pushed Idaho from 23rd to sixth on the list for hunger in American. Between 1998 and 2000 the study conducted by the Center on Hunger and Poverty at Boston’s Brandeis University with 60,000 Idahoans – 24,000 of them children – went hungry. That is a 35 percent increase from a study conducted between 1996 and 1998.

Oh, for those days of summer again! Mat & Brenden Evans, true blue Boys of Summer, knew how to enjoy themselves as they took a break from flying kites to pose with the Herald at Sunset Beach, Ore., in July.