Thursday, February 27, 2025

Mirror Lake Women's Golf

by Therese Helmer Contributing Writer
| September 7, 2017 1:00 AM

In week 16 the Mirror Lake ladies drew cards to determine teams. The Tuesday evening team winners were; Julie Williams, Gerry Ann Howlett, Dona Irons and Evelyn Rae with a gross team score of 37. Julie Williams had the low gross score of 37 and Evelyn Rae had the low net score of 35. Gerry Ann Howlett had the least number of putts with 13.

In the Wednesday morning group the team of Maureen Blackmore, Donna Irons and Evelyn Rae were the winners with a low gross score of 48. Maureen Blackmore had low gross score of 53 and Carrie Figgins and Etta Mae Schnuerle tied with the low net score of 35. Linda Hiatt and Evelyn Rae both had least number of putts with 15 each.

In week 17 the game of the day was low net for flights A and B. In the Tuesday evening group play Julie Williams was the low net winner in the A flight with a score of 33 and Elaine Morgan was the winner for the B flight with a net score of 38. Julie Williams had the low gross score with a 35. In the Wednesday morning group Anne Bonar was the winner in the B flight with a low net score of 36 and Blanche Studer had low gross score of 68.

In week 18 it was Ace of the month with Donna Irons winning with a low net score of 33. The game of the day was longest drive on hole number 6 and closest to the pin on second shot on hole number 8.

In the Tuesday evening group Julie Williams won both the longest drive on #6 and closest second shot on hole #2. Julie also had the low gross score with a 39 and Gerry Ann Howlett had the low net score with a 37 and least number of putts with 16.

In the Wednesday morning group Therese Helmer won the game of the day with the longest drive on hole #6 and closest to the pin on the second shot on hole #8. Carrie Figgins had the low net score of the day with a 34 and Therese Helmer had the low gross score with a 46. Linda Hiatt had the low putts of the day with 15.

The Mirror Lake Women’s Golf league meets every Tuesday evening at 5 with a 5:30 p.m. tee time; and every Wednesday morning at 9 with a 10 a.m. tee time. You can play either day or both. New members are always welcome so come out and join the fun.