Thursday, February 27, 2025

School has begun for Boundary County Middle School!

| September 14, 2017 1:00 AM


Courtesy photos A show of hands: New teacher, Mrs. Blackmore, teaches sixth grade ELA at Boundary County Middle School.

School is in full session here at BCMS! The initial excitement and energy has already worn off and turned in to yawns and sleepy filled eyes. Routine should set in soon.

We have a few new teachers who seem to be fitting in well so far and seem to have a good rapport with students already. Mrs. Blackmore is teaching sixth grade ELA while Mr. Rives is teaching seventh grade computer applications.

Sports have started and our numbers are huge as always. It is always great to see how many students participate in activities at BCMS.

Our first week was a bit rough around the edges due to outdoor restrictions because of the smoke. No outside recess during lunch was tough but we made it through it and this week has been clear and off to outside they went.

Our numbers have been higher than anticipated with 31 new enrollments this year while only 15 students have left. It has been causing a bit of a squeeze in some classes.

Students were given student planners to use in their classes on Monday. They are to be used for keeping track of assignments, getting requested by teachers who need to see students for extra help, and as hall passes. We hope the reintroduction will be a positive and productive decision.

Intramurals started Monday for most students. Just like in the past, students earn the privilege of going to intramurals during a portion of their advisory/study hall class if they keep their grades and behavior up to par.

Students are doing very well meeting the schoolwide expectations of Safe, Civil, and Productive. There have only been some minor issues with dress code and those were from students who just arrived from out of district. I expect the students will continue to follow our simple school expectations.

Volunteers are needed as always. We will need some parents to step up to plan the eighth grade class promotion dance. It is a big job but parents always come through and put on a great time for the students. I am confident we will have a great group of parents again.

We are always looking for comments on how to improve the experience for everyone at Boundary County Middle School. If you have suggestions please call and talk to Mr. Miles.