Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ahrens for Idaho

| April 4, 2018 2:57 PM

A couple years ago, something happened that changed how I look at public service. When people ask me why I'm running for State Senate, I often think back to this event.

At the time, my daughter was working at O'Reilly Auto Parts. A young man came in every day during the harshest part of winter asking for work. Come to find out, he was a military veteran who had just returned from serving overseas. He was living in a tiny trailer on someone's property, didn't have a vehicle, didn't have a job. Everyday, he was walking 11 miles into town desperately hoping for some work.

When I heard this, that someone who had sacrificed so much for our country was in such a state, my heart just broke. I talked to him and offered to have him to stay with us rent free until he was back on his feet.

In a short time, we were able to connect him with the Veterans Programs, my daughter hired him to work at the store, and we found him a vehicle. He was eventually able to transfer to a Texas store that was close to his family and his daughter. It makes me so happy to know that he's now back on his feet and getting the benefits he earned.

Public service is not just a catchphrase for me. It has a name, it has a face. If you elect me as your State Senator, know that I won't see it as just a job. It's a way for me to positively affect the quality of life for the people of my district.

How? The best thing that I could ever do for you as a public servant, is insure that government is operating in its proper role and allowing you to live your life freely.

I'm Danielle Ahrens, and I'm running for State Senate, District 1. I'm a mother, grandmother and a longtime Idaho resident. Just like you, I've seen firsthand the problems that come from a big government overstepping its boundaries. Government has one job, to protect our God-given rights.

Our right to life, from conception to natural death. The right to self-defense, as laid out in the 2nd Amendment. The right to earn a living without bureaucrats destroying you with taxes. As your state senator, I'll do all I can to make sure your rights get protected. I will resist unnecessary federal regulations and unfunded federal mandates. I will stand for our state's rights. I will listen to and represent the people of District 1.

As a mother and a grandmother, I serve because it's my desire to hand down freedom intact for our children and grandchildren. If you want government off your back, and a senator who will fight to protect your God-given rights, then I ask for your vote on May 15!

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