Wednesday, March 05, 2025

This Week In Bonners Ferry History

| April 5, 2018 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

Drowned in the Kootenai, 4-year-old Alfred Pelligram fell into the river and drowned. The current of the river is quite swift at the point where the little child fell in and it is probable that the body has been washed some distance downstream as the body has not been recovered yet.

Miss Mary Hawkins was hostess to a number of the teachers for an afternoon spent at the bridge table. Miss Middaugh and Mrs. Crocker won the high prizes which were hand paintings done by the hostess. An appetizing lunch was served.

Godfrey Wickstrom, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wickstrom was terribly injured in an accident at home. Mr. Wickstrom was bringing in a load of wood and was thrown from the wagon and caught between the wheels and the gate post. His left leg was badly crushed and almost severed. Owning to the shock and weakened physical condition, Drs. Fry and Keller have not yet attempted to amputate the leg. Gangrene has set in and he is in a precarious condition.

50 Years Ago

The 1968 4-H Leaders Council officers were installed at the Boundary County 4-H leader Recognition Banquet, held Friday night at Don’s Café. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sims were present representing Sims Implement as hosts for the annual banquet.

Coach Danny Meddock announced this week that all boys interested in playing Babe Ruth or American Junior Legion baseball are asked to meet the at ballpark April 9 at the 7 p.m.

Twenty-six Bonners Ferry Lions Club members and their wives and guests heard Darlene Haagenson present a very interesting report of her recent trip to Italy last Thursday evening at Don’s Café.

Beta Sigma Pi sorority met April 1 at the home of Jo Fitch, with Karen Pedey as co-hostess.

15 Years Ago

Other Junior Miss Contestants are Amanda Allenberg-Becks Furniture; Mikkel Becker-American Legion & Auxiliary; Johanna Farell-Pace Kerby & Co., Inc.; and Annie Hubbard-Bonners Ferry Rotary Club.

It was most fitting for one of North Idaho’s storied high school athletes, Bonners Ferry’s Ben Greenslitt, to be named Top Male High School Athlete of the Year at the 41st Annual North Idaho Sports Banquet at the Coeur d’Alene Inn.

About 20 volunteers gathered March 29 at the Valley View Kindergarten playground to construct a Rainbow Clubhouse. The playground equipment was purchased with a $5,000 grant from the Idaho Community Foundation. Kindergarten teacher Kathy Hampton applied for the grant and Cal Russell of Boundary Tractor loaned his power auger to dig the post holes.