Monday, March 10, 2025

Backcountry patrol training scheduled

| April 19, 2018 1:00 AM


(Courtesy Photo) Boundary County Reserve Deputy Steve Ussher on one of the dual sport motorbikes that are part of the Sheriff’s Backcountry Patrol.

Boundary County Sheriff’s Office has an Off Highway Vehicle Program - Backcountry Patrols. First started in 2017 by Sheriff Kramer with the purpose to get local law enforcement in areas of Boundary County where most people recreate, to help prevent vandalism at some of the more remote camping areas and favorite huckleberry sites, and to be of service in parts of our county that often don’t see much of a local law enforcement presence. These patrols are done on dual sport motorbikes that can easily travel on paved, gravel roads, or trails.

The Sheriff’s Office formed an Advisory Board last year to meet the requirements of Idaho State Parks and Recreation requirements to be eligible for funding, which comes from $1 of Off Highway Vehicle stickers comes back to the local Sheriff’s Offices that have an approved program. Sheriff Kramer and Chief Deputy Stephens represent the law enforcement portion of the Advisory Board, both have extensive off road experience on motorbikes and ATV’s and Brion Poston who works at Boundary Tractor represents the motorcycle component. Poston is a lifelong experienced rider in Boundary County, and Rick Alonzo represents the ATV portion of the Advisory Board and has covered a lot of Boundary County on his ATV.

Currently the Backcountry Patrol has Sheriff Kramer, Chief Deputy Stephens, Cpl Randall, Deputy Cobler and Reserves Ussher and Compton that are eligible to patrol on the dual sport motorbikes. Most all of the costs associated with the program including the purchase of equipment, overtime, fuel etc. are covered under grants and a percentage of fees from the sale of OHV stickers without additional burden to the County budget.

The goal is to bring safety and awareness to the backcountry. Last year the Deputies logged several hundred miles and made many positive contacts with both locals and visitors that were enjoying the scenic beauty of Boundary County off the beaten path. They also made contact with some of the problem huckleberry camps that were littered with trash and were able to get those occupants sent on their way.

In addition to the patrols on dual sport motorbikes and ATV’s the Sheriff’s Office will be providing training for the community.

On May 5 from 5-6 p.m. at the National Guard Armory building the Sheriff’s Office will host a classroom training ATV, UTV’s and motorbike riders on many of the basics if you are new to riding, especially in Boundary County. The topics will cover appropriate gear you should have, legal requirements, how to make sure that your off highway vehicle is properly loaded and secured when hauling to your favorite spot. We recognize that many people that have moved to Boundary County own or are thinking about getting an off highway vehicle, and we want to help them have the best experience they can when they take it out for a ride.

In addition to this training, Sheriff Kramer has scheduled a train the trainer class with Parks and Recreation for some of his Deputies to allow them to schedule local classes for youth under the age of 16 that want to ride their motorbike or ATV on Forest Service roads. Idaho code requires unlicensed operators under the age of 16 on national forest roads, must have completed a motorbike or ATV safety course approved by the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation, and a certificate or other proof of completion of such safety course shall be in the possession of the unlicensed operator of any ATV, UTV specialty off — highway vehicle or motorbike when the vehicle is operated on national forest roads. The Sheriff’s Office found out that currently Boundary County youth have to go out of our county to find one of the courses, once the Deputies are trained on April 26 they will be able to schedule a local class to get our youth certified to ride on the national forest roads. Sheriff Kramer who grew up riding motorbikes in Boundary County knows how important it is for our youth to be able to get out and safely enjoy all that Boundary County has to offer.