Saturday, May 18, 2024

Letter to the Editor

| April 26, 2018 1:00 AM

ELECTION: Support Clark for county clerk

As Boundary County residents for many years, we would like to recommend that you cast your vote for Beate Clark, candidate for County Clerk.

Beate (pronounced Bee-ya-ta) has a vast work experience which will complement the duties of the County Clerk position. She has many years experience in the accounting field, office management of numerous employees, and working face to face with the public in our Bonners Ferry County Treasurer’s Office, the Bonners Ferry and Moyie Springs Post Offices, and is well known throughout the city and rural areas of our county.

We personally know her as being a very honest, hard working, and delightful individual to be around. She has shown us that she learns various tasks quickly and thoroughly, putting her total concentration in the learning process. Beate has embraced the North Idaho lifestyle with much gusto. She loves to fish, hunt, explore our back country on her ATV, and is strong in her Christian beliefs.

The residents of Boundary County can be very confident that having Beate Clark as their County Clerk will ensure that the duties of the office will be handled efficiently, and with much cheerfulness when you require that office’s help in your various business or personal affairs.

Thomas and Geraldine Griffin

Boundary County