Friday, March 14, 2025

Gun Club News

| August 9, 2018 1:00 AM

“Dukes Claybuters”

On Saturday, July 28, there were two shooters, Wade Rice 23X25 and Seth Rice 24X25. Great shooting guys. On Wednesday, Aug 1, there was one school shooter and three adults. Student Melanie Cambell broke her best score yet with a 19X25. A few more practices and she’ll be in the 20s.

On Saturday, Aug. 4, we had four school shooters and two adults. Falen Eberhardt had a high score of 22X25 after a practice round, good shooting, as we found out his grandfather is in the hospital, that’s why he has missed a few practice days. Let’s all say a prayer for him and family. Wade Rice 22X25, Conner Black 19X25, and 13 year old Bryce Black, is still getting used to the new CZ donated gun, improving his score with every practice round. New member John Kelly, also a new shooter, was there to fill in the squad, and helps the rhythm of shooting with a full squad.

The “Clay Busters” helped sell raffle tickets at Super 1 Foods as well as Bonners Ferry Gun Club members Friday and Saturday. Thank you, Super 1, and all who helped and bought tickets to support the High School Trapshooting Club. One hundred percent of the proceeds go to the “Clay Busters” fund. There are only 400 tickets left, so stop in at Boundary Tractor, any of the trap club members, or in the Naples area at the Northwoods to get your tickets, or we will be selling them at the Fair also.

Thank you Boundary County residents and all who are supporting the High School Trap Shooting Team/Club.

Shoot Safe and Keep your powder dry. Also, thank you members for helping with the Fish and Game Ladies Day at the trap club Saturday.

— Coach Lonny Jelinek