Friday, March 14, 2025

Bonner Ferry School Trapshooting

| February 1, 2018 12:00 AM

Dukes Clay Busters had three very tough shooters on the half way shoot day this week. Junior - Wade Rice broke 21 - 16 yards and 19 handicap for a total of 40 in JR class. Sub Jrs - Rebeckah Erickson broke 14 -16 yards and 13 in the handicap for a total of 27 and Faleen Eberhardt broke just two less for a total of 25. I thought these were all good scores as it was shooting very hard and it was overcast. Four more weeks to go in the Spokesman and Sky I Net shoots and six more for the Camas Prairie shoot. Don’t forget good grades first, integrity, and marksmanship.

Bonners Ferry Gun Club was 35 degrees, snowing hard, visibility poor.

We had 15 shooters today with 24X25 by Bill Bustillos, Mike Teems, and Mike Pruitt and a 23X25 for Charlie Runnion for a 95X100 in the Spokesman. Ken Nystrom won “A” class count back over Bill Dunbar with 43 and Bill Bustillos won “B” class with 38X50 in the Sky I Net. Good shooting guys. We had 15 shooter in the Annies, had a fun time trying to hit the birds in the snowy weather.

Have a good week and keep your powder dry.

- Coach Lonny Jelinek