Friday, March 14, 2025

Boundary County Classified Employee of the Month

| February 8, 2018 12:00 AM

Mary Krejci is many things to the students at Naples Elementary School. In addition to being the helpful Title I reading and math teacher, she is the origami teacher, the candle-making teacher, the lunch duty, the recess duty, the loving hug and the helpful, happy smile. She is the soft voice of comfort when kids need a calming presence.

Not only is she all these things to the students, she is a core resource for the teaching staff. She is the data queen! She tracks and brings key information regarding student achievement to every team meeting. Her tireless efforts make it possible for timely and effective decisions to be made regarding students’ academic needs.

Mrs. Krejci goes above and beyond the basics of her position to become an integral part of the Naples family. She is always willing to roll up her sleeves and take on that extra duty or task.

Mary is a professional, steady, and calm fixture for everyone at Naples. Without her, Naples wouldn’t be the same. She consistently strives to pursue professional development to learn more about her job. In addition to meeting the many expectations of her position, Mary is currently training a new Title I employee. She does this with grace and wisdom. Anyone who has the privilege to learn from and work alongside Mrs. Krejci is quite fortunate.

Thank you Mary Krejci for giving your time, effort and love to the staff and students of Naples Elementary School! We appreciate and honor you!