Thursday, March 06, 2025

Naples Elementary School

| February 8, 2018 12:00 AM


Students enjoy learning with the giant map.


Courtesy photos Proud Naples Elementary School students.


Naples Elementary School students at Schweitzer.


Students learn snowboarding at Schweitzer.

Students and Families, Welcome to 2018!

The first month of the New Year passed us by in the blink of an eye! The staff and students of Naples Elementary have been busily plugging away to maximize learning! Although many have been fighting a variety of illnesses, the goals have remained steady for all: SAFE, CIVIL, and PRODUCTIVE! We have been very focused on playground safety, civility and respect for one another throughout the campus, and productivity in our daily lessons and work. I am very proud of each student and staff member for meeting these high expectations daily. No one is perfect, but everyone tries. Here at Naples we understand people make mistakes, but we are learning to move on from them and work to do and be better.

We welcomed University of Idaho student teacher, Collin Luther to Kindergarten. Collin is a local Boundary County citizen who grew up in Naples and is coming back to his home town to complete his teaching degree. The kindergarten students have really been enjoying having him in their classroom!

Mr. Luther isn’t the only new face here at Naples this month. With the help of a recent Title I funding adjustment, we are fortunate to be able to bring on a part-time Title I parapro to work alongside Mrs. Krejci. Jordawn Jacobson has joined us to guide our students with extra reading and math support as needed. Welcome, Ms. Jacobson!

Throughout January, grades 3-5 had their classroom spelling bees. Winners from each class are as follows:

Third Grade: Landon Hart and Cado Murray

Fourth Grade: A.W. Schultz and Isaac

Fifth Grade: Jesse Fess, Myah Francis, and Izreal Hanks

These students had the opportunity to compete in the Boundary County District Spelling Bee on Jan. 20. They each did their best and made Naples proud!

Grades 3-5 have already skied or snowboarded their hearts out at Schweitzer! This program provides an opportunity for our students to experience an outdoor activity they can learn and enjoy for the rest of their lives. We are fortunate to have a world-class ski resort nearby!

For one whole week in January, we had the National Geographic Giant Traveling Map of Idaho in our gymnasium! Each class was able to “walk all over Idaho.” The Idaho Geographic Alliance and the University of Idaho partnered to acquire this giant map of Idaho for schools throughout the state to enjoy. We were happy to have it in our neck of the woods. Students were engaged in hands-on (and feet-on) lessons focused on Idaho geography. Mount Hall Elementary also had it in their school! Students are visually learning Boundary County is at the top of the state! Our goal is to be at the top of the state in more ways than geography!

The H.A.T.S. (Humanities, Arts, Technology and Science) enrichment classes are still going strong each month. Before students finish one session, they are already asking about the next event. If you have a skill or experience you would like to share with our students, please stop in to the office and grab a course application form. Sessions are two hours long, once per month. Think fun! The next event is Feb. 28.

Appreciation goes out to our families and supporters for continuing to embrace our little school as the big heart of the beautiful Naples community! I am impressed and amazed on a regular basis by the generosity and love you all have for our students. Thank you.