Thursday, March 06, 2025

Community Calendar

| February 15, 2018 12:00 AM

Coming Events:

The Pearl Theater: Presents Runaway Symphony, 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 24. Door and café open at 6 p.m. 7160 Ash St. Info: 208-610-2846

KVRI Board Meeting: 7 p.m., Feb. 26, at the Boundary County Extension Office. Info: 208-267-3519.


SPOT BUS: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Thursday to Sandpoint and back. Call 24 hours in advance, 208-267-4740

Genealogical Society of Boundary County: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Family History Center at the LDS Church. Free access to websites, staff available to assist, public welcome. Info: 208-267-3802

Free Community Meal: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., United Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln. All are welcome. Info: 208-304-6854.

Friends of the Restorium: Noon, Chic-n-Chop Restaurant. All members and non-members welcome to attend. Info: Jeannie 208-267-6030.

Boundary County Library: Noon to 4 p.m., Computer Tutor by appointment. Info: 208-267-3750

Planning & Zoning Commission: 5:30 p.m., Boundary County Courthouse courtroom.

“There is Hope” Alanon Family Group: 7:30 p.m., United Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln, Room 2. Info: Naomi Z., 208-946-5219, 440-813-1359, or

BFHS Sports

Boys Varsity Basketball: 7 p.m. vs. Timberlake HS at Timberlake HS

Girls Varsity Basketball: 3A State Tournament, 7 p.m. PST vs. Snake River at Skyview HS in Nampa

FRIDAY, Feb. 16

SPOT BUS: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Friday in Bonners Ferry. Call 24 hours in advance, 208-267-4740

Boundary County Library: 10:30 a.m., Sled Dogs. Info: 208-267-3750

“Soups On”: 11:30 to 1 p.m., free to the community, South Boundary Fire Station in Naples. The meal includes homemade soup, homemade desserts and a beverage. Everyone is cordially invited to enjoy great food and friendship. Info: Linda at 208-267-6382.

Bonners Ferry Bridge Club: Noon at the Trinity Lutheran Church. Info: Marlene, 208-267-3906

The Write Stuff: local writers group, 10:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church basement. Everyone welcome. Info: Norman, 208-267-3221

Indoor Gun Range: Open every Friday, 1–7 p.m., Hwy 2 East of 3 Mile across from Sater’s Auction. Info: Bob, 208-920-1182

Boundary County Library: 1–7 p.m., Fab Lab, by appointment. Info: 208-267-3750

BFHS Sports

Girls Varsity Basketball: TBA, 3A State Tournament at Skyview HS in Nampa


BFHS Sports

Boys Varsity Wrestling: 9 a.m. 3A District 1 Champion-ship at Lakeland HS

Girls Varsity Basketball: TBA, 3A State Tournament

SUNDAY, Feb. 18

Bonners Ferry Eagles Auxiliary #3522 Breakfast: 8–11 a.m., 7159 2nd St. for donation. Proceeds go to Second Harvest for food trucks to Bonners Ferry. “People Helping People”. Info: Kathy, 208-946-8538

The Pearl Theater: 2 p.m. Chasing Coral. What lies below, reveals what lies ahead. Doors open at 1:30 p.m. 7160 Ash St. Admission by donation. Info: 208-610-2846

MONDAY, Feb. 19

Board of Commissioners: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Commissioners’ office. Info: phone, 208-267-7723; or email

Overeaters Anonymous: 6:30 p.m., Boundary Community Hospital. Emergency entrance to lower level conference room. No fees, weigh ins or diets. All who desire to stop eating compulsively are welcome. Info: 208-290-8172.

Boundary County Democrat Central Committee Meeting: 6 p.m. at Mugsy’s. Info: Debbie, 208-290-2416

Boundary County Library: 1–7 p.m., Fab Lab, by appointment. Info: 208-267-3750

Boundary Economic Development Council: Noon, Kootenai River Inn Springs Restaurant. Info: 208-267-0352.

BFHS Sports

Boys Varsity Basketball: TBA 3A District 1 Champion-ship games begin at NIC

TUESDAY, Feb. 20

SPOT BUS: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Tuesday, Bonners Ferry to Sandpoint. Call 24 hours in advance, 208-267-4740

Genealogical Society of Boundary County: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Family History Center at the LDS Church. Free access to websites, staff available to assist, public welcome. Info: 208-267-3802

TOPS: Take off Pounds Sensibly: weigh-in, 9 a.m.; meeting, 9:30 a.m., United Methodist Church, corner of Lincoln and Denver in Bonners Ferry.

The Rotary Club of Bonners Ferry: meets every Tuesday at noon at Mugsy’s Tavern & Grill, 7161 Main Street in downtown Bonners Ferry. Info: 208-290-4401.

Board of Commissioners: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Commissioners’ office. Info: phone, 208-267-7723; or email,

Boundary County Library: Noon to 5 p.m., Fab Lab independent time by appointment. Info: 208-267-3750

Al-Anon Meeting: 10 a.m., basement of Trinity Lutheran Church, 6784 Cody St., Bonners Ferry. Info: Gini W., 208-267-5638.

Boundary County TV Translator District Board meetings are 5 p.m. at the Office of Youngwirth Davis & Associates. Info: 208-267-5166

Bonners Ferry City Council Meeting: 7 p.m., City Hall, 7232 Main St., Bonners Ferry. Info: 208-267-3105


SPOT BUS: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Wednesday in Bonners Ferry. Call 24 hours in advance, 208-267-4740

Story time: 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., “Choo-Choo”. Boundary County Library, 6370 Kootenai St. Info: 208-267-3750

GROW! Community Garden Meeting: 5 p.m., UI Extension Office, 6447 Kootenai St. Info: Julie 208-267-4743

Ministerial Association Joint Worship Service: 6 p.m., BFHS Auditorium. All are welcome! Info: Henry Y.,

Toastmasters International Meeting: The Lake Pend Oreille Toastmasters Club meets every Wednesday evening from 6–7 p.m. at the Forrest Bird Charter School, 614 S. Madison Ave. in Sandpoint. Info: Deborah 208-283-9008 or

Mt. Hall Church Food Bank: Noon to 3 p.m. Emergency contact: 208-267-5732 or 208-267-7506.

BFHS Sports

Boys Varsity Basketball: TBA 3A District 1 Champion-ship games begin at NIC