Sunday, March 09, 2025

Boundary County Middle School congratulates many

| February 22, 2018 12:00 AM

Congratulations to our January Citizens of the Month who were celebrated for their fairness at all times. Sixth grade: Dillon McLeish, seventh grade: Maggie Bateman, eighth grade: Jaden Villeli, and staff: Mrs. Heigel and Mr. Arthur. February citizens will be honored for caring.

Congratulations to Eika Willis on winning our local Geography Bee! She will be moving on to the state competition to be held on April 6, with a chance to move on to the national competition and thousands of dollars in scholarships. Well done!

Congratulations to our Omega Robotics team who won the award for most innovative solution at the state FLL tournament in Moscow recently! This award is related to this year’s theme which was focusing on problems related to the human water cycle. Team Omega came decided to tackle the problem of water conservation in regards to waste water (toilets, washing...). They innovated a fog catching mesh used in Peru to be used on skyscrapers. The water it collects would flow down a water pipe to a holding tank in the basement. They used Seattle as their site for this innovation. They calculated the amount of average moisture in the air in Seattle, and calculated the area of coverage on the Space Needle. These calculations led them to estimate that their mesh could produce an estimated 1600 gallons of water per day. This water could be used to supplement non potable water needs for the building, cutting down the usage from the city water grid. The presentation of this idea set them apart from the other competitors and earned them one of the coveted 3 big trophies!

Congratulations to our Spelling Bee Winners: Sixth--Ana Chase, Seventh--Morgan Moon, Eighth--Camille Ussher! Our runner ups were: Sixth--Damon Madson, Seventh--Taylor Cromwell, Eighth--Kyle Smith

Congratulations to our Art Students who recently raised $354 from their fundraiser, Art to Remember. Thank you to all who supported our students in this project. The money will go for special art supplies and future field trips.

Congratulations to our basketball teams who all competed very well this season. Unfortunately, due to weather conditions, they were not able to compete in our annual season ending tournaments. It’s great to know they were all celebrated and recognized at our Pep Assembly last week!

Congratulations to Boundary County School District students who will enjoy district wide motivational speeches from John Williams of! Through the generous assistance of the Kootenai Tribe, funding was secured to get John to speak at every school over two days from Feb. 21-22. Many students/schools will also benefit from additional workshops known as Hero Training prompting students to work on a 21 day Compassion Challenge at their schools following the assemblies! John will also be presenting a workshop to staff about positive and supportive student interactions. Please contact your school to get more information about presentation times.

Congratulations to the community of Bonners Ferry and all of Boundary County for the opportunity to learn about current drugs and drug trends in our area from a presentation by Deputy Watts. Deputy Watts will be presenting a workshop for BCSD staff followed by a free evening presentation for the community at BCMS. The community presentation will begin at 5:30pm and will take place in the BCMS Gym.

Congratulations to BCMS students who will be enjoying their annual Ski Day soon. Seventh grade will go March 6, eighth grade March 8, and sixth grade will go on March 14.

Don’t forget mid-quarter is March 1 and progress reports will be sent home with students.

Congratulations Badgers!