Thursday, March 06, 2025

This Week In Bonners Ferry History

| January 11, 2018 12:00 AM

100 Years Ago

Red Cross membership in Boundary County is 790. According to A. J. Kent in the latest membership drive there were 550 new members.

The basketball game Friday night between the high school teams of Bonners Ferry and Sandpoint resulted in a victory of 22-2 for the home team. The next home game is next Saturday against Columbia Falls, Montana.

Dance at Round Prairie sponsored by members of the Round Prairie Settlers Association. Music furnished by the Bonners Ferry Orchestra. An oyster dance will be served at midnight.

Good Farm Home, Cheap — 320 acres (100 acres is black meadow land, easily cleared) $8 per acre, terms to responsible parties.

Rev. Crowder spent several days with the people of Copeland last week. The young men there have organized an athletic club that meets each Thursday for boxing and wrestling matches.

50 Years Ago

County is covered with the year’s first heavy snow. The snow started Sunday when several inches fell. It snowed again on Tuesday and added more for a total of about 18 inches. Police Chief Gene Maggi called for cooperation in parking your vehicles off streets so snow removal crews can do their job.

Junior Miss, Sheri Hilton, will go to Moscow on Friday to participate in the State Junior Miss pageant which ends on Jan. 20. The pageant was started here just last year when Diane Zenier was selected as the first local winner.

On Friday, the B.F. Badgers basketball team was narrowly defeated by Wallace by a score of 67-65. Randy Day scored 19 points. On Saturday, the IHM Academy of Coeur d’Alene defeated the Badgers by a score of 69-41. Bob Purinton, Nick Brillon, Tom Foust, Randy Day and Dale Severson scored all the points for B.F.

Lowell Anderson of Naples is the top Dairy Producer in the Panhandle Dairy Improvement Assoc. according to Leonard Svendsbye, herd tester. Lowell had a herd average of 1,225 pounds of milk and 44 pounds of butterfat.

Lloyd Hughes retired on Jan. 1 after 40 years as a city employee. He performed various duties for the light and water department. He was assigned to the city’s power plant at Moyie in 1925 and has worked there since. During his time with the city, his hands were badly burned and his heart stopped temporarily when he touched some wrong wires together. He was also knocked down twice by lightning. In 1926, a 6” drain valve froze and he nearly drowned when the plant was deluged with icy water. He stuck to his post until relieved, then changed clothes and went back to work.

15 Years Ago

The Boundary County Library was awarded the 2002 National Award for Library Service. The award was presented by First Lady Laura Bush to Larry Hosterman, Sandy Ashworth, and Jim and Helen Marx at the White House.

Idaho snow sculpting is coming to B.F. on Jan. 15. Five three-member teams, one each from B.F., Naples, Moyie Springs, Sandpoint and Cascade, Idaho will vie for the $500 1st prize and a chance to compete nationally in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. The teams will carve 6-by-6-by-10-foot tall blocks of snow at the Kootenai River Inn and downtown B.F.

Snowy roads slowed down firefighters response to a house fire in Paradise Valley. The house is owned by Barbara Chapman. Her high school age grandson, Ken Chapman and his friend, Kirk Taylor were helping minimize the damage before firefighters arrived.

B.F. Badger wrestling team traveled to Montana twice this past week and showed what a dominant force they will be. On Thursday they went to Libby, where they beat Lake City, Idaho 59-12 and Libby 33-28. On Saturday, they went to Thompson Falls, where they beat both Thompson Falls and Libby. The next match will be tonight against Lakeland at home.