Wednesday, March 12, 2025

North Bench Volunteer Fire District annual meeting notification

| January 18, 2018 12:00 AM

The Board of the North Bench Volunteer Fire District cordially invites all residents of the district to attend its annual business meeting, scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 27, 10 a.m., at Station 1 on Hwy 2, across from the 3 Mile Junction truck stop.

On the agenda:

Reports from the Chief and our Treasurer on 2017’s activities and expenses.

Recognition of firefighter accomplishments.

Presentation of the 2018 budget, and an explanation of the new dues schedule (see below).

Election of board members. Three seats (two, 2-year positions, and one, 1-year position) are up for election this year. Nominations (or volunteers to stand for election!) will be taken from the floor. You must be a member of the association and be physically present in order to vote.

We have a new subscription fee schedule that is being instituted this year, after 25 years of no increases. Rising costs and an increase in services give us no choice but to increase the dues, but we hope that the new schedule will not prove burdensome, while providing the funds needed to continue the professional grade services we provide to the community.

For Your Information, here is the new dues schedule beginning this year:

Private Residence & Farm up to 125 contiguous acres- $125

Every additional non-contiguous vacant piece of land owned- $25

Home Business/Residence combo under 125 acres- $175

Private Residence & Farm over 125 - 500 contiguous acres- $225

Acreage no structures up to 20 acres- $40

Acreage no structures 21-125 contiguous acres- $75

Acreage with no structures 126-500 contiguous acres- $100

Acreage with structures up to 20 acres- $60

Acreage with structures 21-125 contiguous acres- $100

Acreage with structures 126-500 contiguous acres- $175

Any parcels over 500 contiguous acres- $250

Commercial Businesses- $225

If you would like more information about the annual meeting, please us at 208-267-8674 or email at