Monday, March 10, 2025

Gun Club News

| July 5, 2018 1:00 AM

Bonners Ferry School Trap Club, “Dukes Clay Busters”

I had two of my most pleasurable days as a trapshooting coach last Wednesday and Saturday, so far. I got a phone call last week from a local grandfather, John Kelly, asking me if it was OK for his granddaughter to come out and practice shooting trap as she is a 12 years old from Helena, Mont., and her dad said she could come and visit her grandparents if she took her shotgun and shells along to practice shooting while here; as she has a tournament competition a week after she gets back home. I said sure, 10 a.m. Wednesday and 10 a.m. Saturday. Her name is Jaden Pelland. Grandpa and Jaden were there promptly at 10 a.m. on Wednesday.

At 12 years old the young lady, shooting a 12 gauge, impressed me right off, as I looked at her stance and gun mount. She has a very good coach back home. She first broke 16x25 then a 15x25. On Saturday, Jaden broke 16x25 and 19x25, very good scores for a new trap and background. Her previous best she said was 12x25. She will shoot this Wednesday, July 4, then head back home. I wish her all the best, what a pleasure to coach someone with all that determination and respectfulness.

Saturday Connor Black and his younger brother Bryce and Fallen Eberhardt shot with Jaden. Bryce for his first time shooting broke 13X25 with a loaner 20 gauge. I’m very proud of all these young shooters. Fallen had 22X25 and Connor had 20X25. We missed the Rice brothers out there shooting and any other shooters, shooting on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday all 10 a.m.

Bonners Ferry Gun Club:

Sunday we had 15 shooters today. Lots of good practice and four Annie Oakley’s, what fun, with new member Ralph shooting out four of the over the hill gang, new member Kent doing very well and visitor Elliot winning the last one. Come on out and practice up for bird hunting.

Break’em all, be safe and keep your powder dry.

— Coach Lonny Jelinek