Friday, March 14, 2025

Community Calendar

| June 14, 2018 1:00 AM

Coming Events:

Fourth of July: 4:30 p.m. parade staging at Fairgrounds; 5 p.m. parade down Main Street; 6 p.m. Firefighter competition in front of Mugsy’s; 7 p.m. Lions Club family fun; 7:45 p.m. opening ceremonies; 9:30 p.m. raffle; 10 p.m. fireworks show. Times are tentative and not all events listed. Bring mosquito spray and patience when you leave — traffic.

Take It or Leave It: Saturday, June 23, Boundary County Fairgrounds. Info: Boundary County Fair Office 208-267-7041

Kootenai River Run: 9 a.m. Saturday, June 23, at the Fairgrounds. Entries will be accepted the morning of the race with no late fee from 7:30–8:45 a.m. Sanctioned by USA Track & Field. Aid stations, awards, door prizes, shirts and new team category. Info: 208-290-7039

Annual Restorium Community Barbecue: Sunday, June 24, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Come rain or come shine. Continuous music, silent auction, tours available. Meet your neighbors, enjoy good food, and benefit our seniors who call the Restorium home.


Backstage at the Pearl Theater: 5:30–7 p.m., the Pearl Theater, 7160 Ash St., Bonners Ferry. Come in to support our local theater with volunteer night. Join a committee or help out on a project. Info: 208-610-2846

Mobile Market: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 6184 Cody St. Free food distribution, produce, nutritious perishable products and other groceries for ALL families in need of food assistance. Open to the public. No appointment or documentation needed. Held rain or shine. Bring a box for your food. Info: David, 208-267-7826

SPOT BUS: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Thursday from Bonners Ferry to Sandpoint and back. Call 24 hours in advance, 208-267-4740

Boundary County Library: Noon to 4 p.m., Technology Tutor by appointment. Info: 208-267-3750

Boundary County Master Gardeners Plant Clinic: 1–4 p.m., free diagnosis of plant problems at the UI Extension Office, 6447 Kootenai St., Bonners Ferry. Info: Kate Painter, 208-267-3235.

Genealogical Society of Boundary County: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Family History Center at the LDS Church. Free access to websites, staff available to assist, public welcome. Info: 208-267-3802

Boundary County Gardening Club, 6–8:30 p.m., at the Visitors Center. Info: Sue, 208-946-4213, or Nancy, 208-946-6572.

Free Community Meal: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., United Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln. All are welcome. Info: 208-304-6854.

“There is Hope” Alanon Family Group: 7:30 p.m., United Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln, Room 2. Info: Naomi Z., 208-946-5219, 440-813-1359, or

FRIDAY, June 15

SPOT BUS: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Friday in Bonners Ferry. Call 24 hours in advance, 208-267-4740

The Write Stuff: local writers group, 10:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church basement. Everyone welcome. Info: Norman, 208-267-3221

Boundary County Library: 10:30 a.m. Science, “Baby Animals.” Info: 208-267-3750

Boundary County Library: 1–7 p.m., Fab Lab, by appointment. Info: 208-267-3750

Bonners Ferry Bridge Club: Noon at the Trinity Lutheran Church. Info: Marlene, 208-267-3906


Boundary County Library: CLOSED for scheduled maintenance.

Farmer’s Market: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Bonners Ferry City parking lot.

SUNDAY, June 17

Happy Father’s Day

Bonners Ferry Eagles Auxiliary #3522 Father’s Day Luncheon: 1 p.m., 7159 2nd St. Pulled pork sandwiches, assorted salads, soda or water. Proceeds to Boundary County Victim Services. Open to the public. “People Helping People”

MONDAY, June 18

Board of Commissioners: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Commissioners’ office. Info: phone 208-267-7723, or email

Boundary County Library: 1–7 p.m. Fab Lab classes by appointment. Info: 208-267-3750

Overeaters Anonymous: 6:30 p.m., Boundary Community Hospital. Emergency entrance to lower level conference room. No fees, weigh-ins or diets. All who desire to stop eating compulsively are welcome. Info: 208-290-8172.

Boundary County Democrat Central Committee Meeting: 6 p.m. at Mugsy’s Tavern and Grill. Info: Debbie 208-290-2416

Boundary County Library: 1–7 p.m., Fab Lab, by appointment. Info: 208-267-3750

Boundary Economic Development Council: Noon, Kootenai River Inn Springs Restaurant. Info: 208-267-0352.

Kootenai Valley Resource Initiative Meeting: 7 p.m. Boundary County Extension Office. The Agenda will include presentations on upcoming work on the Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Project, along with Committee updates and welcoming the new KVRI Coordinator/Facilitator. Info: 208-267-3519

TUESDAY, June 19

SPOT BUS: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. every Tuesday, Bonners Ferry to Sandpoint. Call 24 hours in advance, 208-267-4740

Boundary County Master Gardeners Plant Clinic: 9 a.m. to noon, free diagnosis of plant problems at the UI Extension Office, 6447 Kootenai St., Bonners Ferry. Info: Kate Painter, 208-267-3235.

Genealogical Society of Boundary County: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Family History Center at the LDS Church. Free access to websites, staff available to assist, public welcome. Info: 208-267-3802

TOPS: Take off Pounds Sensibly: weigh-in, 9 a.m.; meeting, 9:30 a.m., United Methodist Church, corner of Lincoln and Denver in Bonners Ferry.

The Rotary Club of Bonners Ferry: meets every Tuesday at noon at Mugsy’s Tavern & Grill, 7161 Main St. in downtown Bonners Ferry. Info: 208-290-4401.

Board of Commissioners: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Commissioners’ office. Info: phone 208-267-7723, or email

Boundary County Library: 1–7 p.m. Independent Fab Lab by appointment. Info: 208-267-3750

Computer Tutor: 1–4 p.m. by appointment. Boundary County Library. Info: 208-267-3750

Al-Anon Meeting: 10 a.m., basement of Trinity Lutheran Church, 6784 Cody St., Bonners Ferry. Info: Gini W., 208-267-5638.

Boundary County TV Translator District Board meeting, 5 p.m. at the Office of Youngwirth Davis & Associates. Info: 208-267-5166

Mirror Lake Ladies Golf: 5:15 p.m. tee-off time, evening group. Everyone welcome.

Bonners Ferry City Council Meeting: 7 p.m., City Hall, 7232 Main St., Bonners Ferry. Info: 208-267-3105


SPOT BUS: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Wednesday in Bonners Ferry. Call 24 hours in advance, 208-267-4740

Mirror Lake Ladies Golf: 9 a.m. tee-off time, with sign-up between 8 and 8:45 a.m. Everyone welcome.

Boundary County Library Story time: 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., “Libraries Rock” summer reading kick-off! 6370 Kootenai St. Info: 208-267-3750

Ministerial Association Joint Worship Service: 6 p.m., BFHS Auditorium. All are welcome! Info: Henry Y.,

GROW Community Garden Meeting: 5 p.m., UI Extension Office, 6447 Kootenai St., Bonners Ferry. Meetings are open to all. Info: Julie, 208-267-4743 or 208-267-3235

Mt. Hall Church Food Bank: Noon to 3 p.m. Emergency contact: 208-267-5732 or 208-267-7506.

Era of Megafires: 6–8:30 p.m., Troy High School gym, 116 E. Missoula, Troy, Mont. Free admission. Join us for this multi-media presentation featuring Dr. Paul Hessburg to learn more about the growing number of large wildfires over the past decade and how they could be managed for future generations. Info: 406-295-9736 or