Monday, February 24, 2025

Mirror Lake Ladies Golf Association Weekly Report

| June 21, 2018 1:00 AM

Mirror Lake Ladies Golf Association weekly report


Contributing Writer

The Mirror Lake Ladies Golf Association plays on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings every week in the season (May thru September). The group play is nine holes, but anyone who wishes may stay and play eighteen. For evening players, play starts at 5:15 p.m. For morning players, beginning June 6, play starts at 9 a.m. The group has a good time and we welcome all interested players from beginners on to come join us.

For the week of June 5, “Game of the Day” was “Draw a Card, Subtract from Net Score.” For the Tuesday night, June 5 players, Julie Williams won the game of day with a low net of 34. Julie also won low gross with a 39, and she had an actual low net of 36 and low putts of 16. For the Wednesday morning, June 6 players, Ruth Ann Wilson won the game of the day with a 32. Evelyn Rae and Ann Bonar tied for low gross with scores of 64, and Ann Bonar and Ruth Ann Wilson tied for low net with scores of 43. Ruth Ann Wilson won low putts with 15.

For the week of June 12, “Game of the Day” was “Most One Putts.” Gerry Ann Howlett won game of the day with 4 one-putts. Gerry Ann also won low gross with a score of 44, and low putts with 16. Gerry Ann and Elaine Morgan tied for low net with scores of 35.

All interested ladies please come join us for our annual “Margaritaville” Invitational on Wednesday, July 18, 2018. Margaritaville is our “fun day” of 18 holes with beach fun and games on the course, lunch provided and raffle tickets and prizes after the golf game. Player fees are $65 per player and include lunch, green fees and cart. This event is open to members and friends and guests from other golf clubs in the area and any ladies interested in participating and meeting the members! All are welcome Please contact Therese Helmer at 208-267-5779 or Linda Rupley at 208-661-9135.