Friday, February 28, 2025

Boosting the signal in Boundary County

| June 28, 2018 1:00 AM


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(Courtesy Photo)


(Courtesy Photo)

The Boundary County Amateur Radio community provides valuable service in times of Emergency. Members of the Local Radio Club BARC (Boundary Amateur Radio Club) and members of ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) with local faith based groups with a license, do a great job with the equipment they have.

That service just got better with the installation of a new Yaesu Repeater and antenna that was installed on Black Mountain yesterday. Earl Borer and Conrad Frank spent their day on the mountain top, removing old and installing new, and enjoying the view as their photos show.

The new equipment was made possible with the help of the Bonners Ferry Rotary Club who contributed funds in the form of a Grant. Without that financial help this project would have not happened.

Next time you talk to an Amateur (ham) operator, thank him for his commitment and dedication to help within the community.

To access the new repeater the frequency is 146.960 the tone is 123. Please feel free to enjoy the much stronger and clear signal. No license to required to listen.

By Michael Meier

Boundary County Idaho

Director of Emergency Management

Public Information Officer