Saturday, March 01, 2025

Competition shooting in the snow

| March 1, 2018 12:00 AM

Bonners Ferry School Trap Team ‘Dukes Claybusters’:

Well, the eight week shoots are done this weekend. The best score total was 15 year old Jr. division shooter Wade Rice, for total targets. He was the only school shooter not to miss a shoot date. I am sure he is in the top 5 of Jr. shooters, in the completions of the Spokesman Review and the Big sky - I net 16 yard and handicap combined. We will get results on all shooters participating. Rebeckah Erickson started late and got the cold bug, wish her well. Seth Rice also started late, Connor Black missed a few days sick and worked, Falen Eberhardt missed sick and work, and Blake Copeland also. We still have two more weeks of competition in the Camas Prairie event.

Remember good grades and see you at 10 a.m. on Saturdays. All Come.

Bonners Ferry Gun Club:

It was 32 degrees and snowing hard. We had 12 shooters. B.F. Gun Club would like to thank the carpenter shop pupils and the teacher Francis Garner for building the two score boxes for the Dukes Claybusters score keeping. What a great job and sure worked well in the snow and rain.

A- class was won by Lonny Jelinek with 44X50 and B- class won by Bill Bustillos with a 37X50 over Stan Snyder by count back. Favorite phrase the last two weeks on the line has been: “We’ve got to be stupid to stand and shoot in this weather”, by K.N.

B.F. Gun club is one of a few who shoot in this weather every week, as the other clubs had makeup days.

Break’em all and keep your powder dry.

— Coach Lonny Jelinek