Friday, February 28, 2025

This Week In Bonners Ferry History

| March 8, 2018 12:00 AM

100 Years Ago

County Chairman A.J. Kent will register men for immediate service. The northern counties of Idaho were asked to furnish a number railway operating men, clerks, stenographers, and cooks to be attached to the 469th and 36th Engineers, both of which regiments will be ordered to overseas duty at once.

Jean Wormser’s Alpine Singers &Yodelers — a fine group of five Swiss musicians will be appearing at the K.P. Hall on March 12. The program will have Swiss, Bavarian, German and Tyrolean singing accompanied by zither, guitar and piano playing. Admission: Adults 50 cents, School Children 24 cents.

Victory Pastry must be served by all hotels, restaurants, and other public eating houses. After Feb. 15 they have been compelled to use 1/4 of wheat substitutes in all their sweet yeast dough products, cookies, cakes and doughnuts. Batter cakes, griddle cakes and waffles must contain 3/4 of wheat substitutes. Some substitutes are oat and rice flour and corn and oat meals.

J.F. Archer, General Manager of the Meadow Creek Lumber Co. was killed on Thursday morning when he was struck by a sleigh loaded with logs. Mr. Archer was on horseback and attempted to get out of the way, but his foot was caught in the stirrup and he was thrown in front of the runner. Funeral services were held Saturday in Spokane.

50 Years Ago

Wow, what a basketball weekend in Bonners Ferry! We’re speaking about the American Legion’s 20th annual invitational grade school tournament held at BFHS last Friday and Saturday. Coach Hollenbeck and his Valley View Blue Devils emerged as repeat champions.

Jim Marx was presented the Distinguished Service Award and Chris Taft was named Boss of the Year at the annual awards banquet held at Don’s Cafe last Thursday evening.

Ben Studer, Boundary County Extension agent, Monday evening presented the Chamber of Commerce meeting with a report on the hops experiment projects which have been carried on in the county over the past years. He gave a most optimist outlook for the future of hops.

15 Years Ago

The Bonnerport Mall, one of Bonners Ferry’s oldest and largest commercial buildings, that has housed restaurants and retail shops for years, will have new owners. Sam and Carolyn Testa of Atlanta, Georgia purchased the three-story — 8,400-square-foot building in the city parking lot from George and Shirley Elliott Feb. 28.

1999 BFHS graduate, Ty Iverson is working as a page/intern with Idaho Senator Larry Craig in Washington, D.C. A student at the University of Idaho, Iverson will graduate in December with a Bachelor of Science in agriculture-business.

The members of the Boundary County Community Theater will present an original stage production entitled “Face to Face” at the Odd Fellows Hall on the South Hill beginning Friday evening.