Friday, March 14, 2025

Competition Shooting Results

| March 15, 2018 1:00 AM

Bonners Ferry School Trap Shooters ‘Duke’s Clay Busters’

We were informed that 15 year old Wade Rice won the Junior Division Championship in the Big Sky I-Net 8 week competition. Wade’s score was 313, second place was Megan Marshall of Metaline Falls gun club with a 308, Callie Jeske of Malden Pine - City Gun Club was third with a 284. “Way to go Wade”. Wade’s grades are good too, proving you can do sports and work hard on those grades. He was presented with a trophy from the B.F. gun club, and will also receive at trophy on April 15 at the “Duke Memorial” shoot at the B.F. Gun Club, from the Big Sky I-Ney Rep.

Duke’s Clay Busters school team finished with a 913 coming in third. Very proud of the whole Team. Metaline Falls, Wash., placed first with 1150, Second was Plains, Mont., 4/H with 1042. I am sure if the attendance would have been better we could have scored higher.

Way to go TEAM....

The B.F. Gun Club members, parents, schools and supports are very proud of our students who participated. Any student interested is more than welcome to come out and try trap shooting. We meet every Saturday 10 a.m. Duke’s Clay Busters would like to thank Youngwirth, Davis and Associates, Inc. and the Naples General Store for their donations.

March 11, scores for the Camas Prairie shoot were, Wade Rice - 24, Connor Black - 14, Seth Rice - 19 and Melanie Campbell - 13. We were informed that one of our shooters Rebeckah Erickson was very ill, let’s all say a prayer for her, we sure miss you Becka, get well soon. She is also is a very good shooter.

B.F. Gun Club

March 11: Weather 47 degrees and Sun, WOW! We could see the targets. 18 shooters

Camas Prairie scores, Charlie Runnion - 25, Bill Dunbar - 25, Dave Jergesen - 24, Lonny Jelinek - 24.

B.F. gun club concluded its own 10 week completion this last week. A shooter shoots 10 weeks throws away 2 lowest scores and the highest total individual score wins.

The highest score was our idol, Ken Nystrom, with a 346 - A-class, Second Lonny Jelinek 334 A-class, Third Bill Dunbar 326 A-class and Charley Runnion fourth 325 A-class. B-class winners James Daniels 307, second Bill Bustilos 306, third Dennis Johnson 288 and fourth Mike Pruitt 281. The sun was out and the targets showed up great. Thanks all for participating, the weather took some fun out of the shooting, a few times. Again thanks to the students that toughed it out too.

We have more competition shoots coming up for the students, need fundraisers ideas. Practice is every Saturday, 10 a.m. .

Remember good grades first and shoot safely. The weather is getting better. One more week for the Camas Prairie competition.

Take care and keep your powder dry.

— Coach Lonny Jelinek