Saturday, March 01, 2025

Jump Rope for Heart a hit with Valley View Elementary students

| March 22, 2018 1:00 AM


Courtesy photos Valley View Elementary students enjoyed many events at the Jump Rope for Heart event.

Valley View Elementary hosted their eighteenth annual Jump Rope for Heart event on Wednesday, February 28. With over 90 students, many parents, teachers and other adults in attendance, they were jumping for a good cause. Students learned about heart attack signs, heart disease risk factors, healthy food planning, and the need for 60+ minutes a day of exercise in their PE classes during the month of February. These lesson plans and PE activities were in conjunction with the American Heart Association’s heart campaign.

When asked why they were “Heart Heroes,” the students had eye-opening and wise answers.

Lexie Wells said, “I am a heart hero because I eat healthy foods and not too many fatty foods.”

Second grader, Sadie Newhouse said, “I’m a heart hero because I color my plate,” referring to eating a variety of foods that are rich in color in order to stay healthy.

Many students also mentioned staying active and exercising daily.

Thank you to the Middle School Leadership students who helped run the various jumping stations during the event! Our overall heart jump winner, vertical jump contest, was Thomas Bateman and second place was Sydney Hinthorn. Our top fundraising collector was Noah Ratcliff.