Monday, March 03, 2025

Glenda Poston

| May 3, 2018 1:00 AM

What is your political party affiliation?


What position are you running for?

County Clerk, constitutional and statutory laws give this one elective county office five distinct titles: Clerk of the District Court, Auditor, Recorder, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) and Chief Elections Officer of the County.

What experience, expertise, or background do you feel qualifies you for this position?

I approached the position of Clerk with the knowledge and skills of accounting and preparing budgets for the timber industry for 29 years, along with experience gained while serving on a variety of county and city boards. As Clerk, one role is to prepare the budget and to work with the BOCC on bringing forth a balanced budget for the next fiscal year. Another major role is Chief Elections Officer for the County. I will be providing a workshop for our 35 plus election workers who will be working the polls on Election Day. Additionally, as County Clerk, I have a variety of other responsibilities including courts, recording, passports, indigents, marriage licenses, payroll, accounts payable, revenue, grants, fixed assets, and records preservation.

What do you hope to accomplish if elected?

As your current County Clerk, l have accomplished several cost saving measures for the citizens of Boundary County. I have been instrumental in curbing the rising cost of health insurance plans available to county employees, this budget year we will see no increase in premiums, and this will save taxpayers over $100,000. I plan on continuing to “think outside of the box” and to move my office forward, while always keeping you, the taxpayer, in mind. I am proud of the success of my staff and the service they provide to Boundary County. Currently, Boundary County is working on the purchase of the Armory Facility. I am looking forward to how this will enhance community safety departments like the ambulance, probation departments, emergency management, and the Sheriff’s Office. The position of Boundary County Clerk is far more involved than the title sounds and requires a vast knowledge of Idaho codes, statutes, regulations and skill sets to function correctly and efficiently. As your County Clerk, I will continue to bring my knowledge and experience gained over the past 14 years to this position.

My husband, Brion, summed up my zeal for this position the best-he told me: ”You have a passion for this community and for this job,” and he couldn’t be more right!