Monday, February 24, 2025

Boundary County Middle School prepares to end the year!

| May 31, 2018 1:00 AM


(Courtesy Photo) the 2018 District Track Awards.

It is hard to believe this year is almost over already. The end of the year marks a busy time for schools as they prepare to wrap things up and prepare for next year. BCMS has plenty going on during the next month so hold on as we get underway.

Of course, it would be impossible for BCMS to do anything or get our job completed without our amazing teachers! This just happens to be teacher appreciation week as well so as things are wrapped up and as we go along our busy lives, take a moment to thank a teacher or teachers who have worked hard all year to help students and BCMS be successful. It is also National Nurses Week so take a moment to thank them as well.

I would like to take a moment to celebrate our April Citizens of the Month before I get too far. April was Trustworthiness and those selected as the most trustworthy were: Illiana Aitken and Ava Frederickson (sixth grade), Emma Lucas (seventh grade), Ethan Hubbard (eighth grade), and Kim Norwood (staff). Congratulations to those selected!

Others deserving congratulations are our Track Team! They swept second place at their district final track meet after a season of hard work. Many athletes broke school records this year and our future track teams should be strong and competitive in the future.

This week, eighth-graders will be submitting their 4-year plans for high school. They have this week to fill it out, get it signed, and turn it in as part of their Silverwood eligibility. This helps them plan out the next four years in order to get the classes they want during their high school careers. It begins to get a little more real for our eighth grade students!

Next week, BCMS Cheer program will be having their workshops and tryouts. Any student wishing to try out for next years’ Cheer Team must participate in these events in order to be eligible for next years’ team.

The eighth grade annual trip to Silverwood will take place on Thursday, May 17. Students will need to turn in their permission forms as well as have their 4-year plans completed in order to go on this fun and bonding trip.

Tuesday, May 22 we will have our annual “Move Up Day.” From approximately 8-11 a.m., students from the fifth grade classes will visit BCMS as our eighth-graders visit BFHS. They have a chance to get familiar with their upcoming surroundings and learn a little bit about their upcoming year.

Choir will host a concert on Tuesday, May 29. Again, make sure you make time to come see the wonderful work our choir students are doing and the progress they have made this year.

The Forget Me Not Run/Walk celebrating those folks we lost but choose to remember will be happening after school on Thursday, May 31. Come join us on a day to reflect at the track.

Reality Town will be Monday, June 4. Eighth-graders will have a chance to “live life” where they get assigned a job and have to pay bills. It is always fun and a little sobering to see just how hard and expensive life is.

BCMS’ Talent Show is scheduled for Tuesday, June 5th. We have amazingly talented students and they will have this chance to show you their wonderful skills.

The grand finale will occur on Thursday, June 7. Seventh-graders will be participating in their annual boat races at Snow Creek. Sixth-graders will be taking a trip to the Refuge. School will dismiss at 12:20 p.m. Eighth-graders have no classes or school during the day but will be having their promotion ceremony and dance beginning at 6:30 p.m. (they will need to be here earlier to get ready).

BCMS will be getting a floor makeover this summer. This means our school will be closed and off limits to all for the duration of the summer with a few exceptions. Sorry for any inconvenience but our school will be back better than ever next year! Due to having to pack up all materials in each room, if you have any boxes you would like to hand us they would be appreciated.

Go Badgers!