Friday, March 14, 2025

Gun Club News

| November 15, 2018 12:00 AM

School Team, ‘Duke’s Claybusters’

Saturday, Nov. 3: Today we only had three shooters, nice weather for November. The Haworth boys, Wyatt and Dane, lost their grandfather and were at his funeral, let’s all say a prayer for the families. Melanie Campbell broke 15X25 then 18X25, Kamen Nelson broke 16X25 then 19X25, Colin Fairchild broke 21X25 then 24X25, I feel the 25X25 isn’t too far away. All three are improving with each practice.

Kamen’s gun was malfunctioning a lot; this is very distracting as to the concentration part of shooting a good score. Same as trying to study for a test in a noisy room to get an A. He shot 10 runs out of the new CZ gun Paul and Cindy M. donated to the club and broke 9 out of the 10, all very good brakes. These donated guns are for any school shooter to use, safely. Hope to see Wyatt, Dane and Ryan C. back this next Saturday. Keep those grades up.

Saturday, Nov. 10: Wow! we had a full squad today. Melanie Cambell - 14X25 and 16X25, Wyatt Hathaway - 20X25 and 21X25, Dane Hathaway - 17X25 and 19X25, Colin Fairchild - 19X25 and 21X25 and on post #5 Kamen Nelson getting used to shooting the new C-Z broke 15X25 and 15X25, I thought the scores were good, as getting used to the cold weather and shooting in a coat takes more concentration, Keep those grades up.

Bonners Ferry Gun Club

Sunday, Nov. 4: Nice weather, we had eight shooters today. The club lost two members to Arizona, for the winter. That’s OK ... leaves more meat for us shooting the Annie Oakley’s here at home. We shot three or four practice rounds and then our usual four Annie Oakley’s, great fun. I hope every member fills his tag so we can get some more trap shooters back out here. Anyone is welcome, remember safety first.

We had some good news, as to team shooting. No set date yet, but we have an invite to Libby Mont. in May 2019 and Troy-Deary Idaho for Sub Jr. and Jr. team and individual competition. I will keep all informed when I get the dates.

Sunday, Nov. 11: Today Bonners Ferry Gun Club members dedicated our shooting day to all the Veterans. We had 10 shooters and I believe seven of us are Veterans. Little chilly but not too bad, three practice rounds and four Annie Oakley’s. Great Fun. Shoot straight and shoot safe.

Shoot safe and straight, keep your powder dry.

Bonners Ferry Gun Club Fall Trap Shoot is next Sunday, Nov. 18, Meat Shoot at 9 a.m. We’ll shoot — five across, Annie Oakley’s, Buddy Shoots.

Come on out and try your luck ... HOPE TO SEE YOU.

— Coach Lonny Jelinek