Friday, March 14, 2025

Dukes Claybusters, Fall Meat Shoot results

| November 29, 2018 12:00 AM

Saturday, Nov. 17, School Team — “Dukes Claybusters”: The team’s only young lady shooter Melanie Campbell, getting used to shooting a different shotgun, breaking a low score first round then improving the next round. That’s great ... just like school grades, improving them.

Wyatt Hathaway shot 18X25 and 19X25; Colin Fairchild shot 19X25 and 20X25, Ryan Carelli 13X25 and 18X25, Kamen Nelson 19X25 and 21X25. Most improved was Ryan Carelli with five more hits on the last round with his 20 gauge. The whole team had good scores for cold-weather shooting.

Sunday, Nov. 18, B.F. Gun Club Fall Meat Shoot: We had at least 25 shooters today, a good turnout for a short-notice shoot. I would like to thank the good weather, God, and everyone for helping run a good shoot. Wyatt and Dane Hathaway and Kamen Nelson helped load the traps, and thank you all for help pulling and scoring. Hauser Lake, Thompson Falls, Libby, Sandpoint and Kimberley, B.C., gun club members all participated.

One of the best competitions was a buddy-shoot with Father Paul Carelli and his 13-year-old son Ryan breaking their own birds till they missed, ending up third place out of eight pairs of shooters. Parents’ support sure makes a difference, in school and in all sports activities. So far all of the “Dukes Claybusters” team members’ parents have been 100 percent supportive in all aspects of school, learning, honesty and sports. If all parents would do the same it would be easy to keep America Great.

B.F. Gun Club would also like to thank B.F. Glass for their donation of Lexan glass for our new trap house and the Meat Department Manager Don and assistant manager Kris for going the extra mile, supplying the last-minute meat order from Super 1 Foods. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

— Coach Lonny Jelinek