Friday, March 14, 2025

Gun Club News

| October 11, 2018 1:00 AM

Saturday, Sept. 22, 10 a.m.: Sub Jr. Melanie Campbell broke a 22X25, her best score yet tying Kamen Nelson 22X25. Also Wyatt Hathaway with a 20X25. New shooter, Ryan Carelli second time with his 20 gauge broke a 10X25 then 12X25. Very good for second time.

see GUN CLUB, B6


from B1

Saturday, Sept. 29, 10 a.m.: Wyatt Hathaway broke a 22X25 then broke a 24X25 Wow! Great job Wyatt, 25X25 is very close. Melanie had a pair of 19X25’s, today and Seth Rice had 19X25 and 23X25; good shooting for not practicing for a while. The others were at the refuge, as it was youth day for bird hunting. It is great to live in a place where Idaho Fish & Game and other clubs help out our young people who love to hunt and fish. Also thank you, Mom and Dad, for taking interest, letting them come out at the Gun Club to practice before going after the real birds.

Saturday, Oct. 6, 10 a.m.: We had a new shooter join today, Colin Fairchild, first time at trap, breaking 14X25 and 20X25 great shooting. Kamen Nelson 20X25 and 21X25. Ryan Carelli 14X24 and 15X25 with his 20 gauge. Wyatt Hathaway 18X25 and 20X25, only a couple months before the Spokesman Review Shoot and Big Sky Tournaments start. Remember good grades first and then the 25X25 scores come easier. Concentration is the KEY.

Bonners Ferry Gun Club: The Sunday shooting is down as hunting season is on, we are still getting 8 to 10 shooters. Practice rounds; the Annie Oakleys are still fun. Don’t be afraid of the “Over The Hill Gang”. Come on out and break a few clay birds, they’re not too good to eat but it’s sure a lot of fun. Good Luck to all you hunters, shoot straight and safe.

Keep your powder dry.

— Coach Lonny Jelinek