Friday, March 14, 2025

Valley View Elementary news

| October 18, 2018 1:00 AM


Mrs. Julie Colson educating students in our new library.

The first month of school has come and gone, however, there is nothing that can match the excitement in the hallways that are full of half-hugs, hive-fives, and the abundance of smiles. The joy within the building is awesome to witness and the staff at Valley View Elementary School (VVES) is lucky to educate such wonderful students in this community.

Talking about the staff at VVES, we have hired two brand new positions and replaced a few other positions, therefore, we have some new faces that I would like to introduce. Our new guidance counselor is Adetta Umphenour, kindergarten teacher is David Harrison, third grade teacher is Shelly Hoisington, also teaching third grade is Jennifer Leuty, our new fifth grade teacher is Kim Grigg, and a new SPED teacher is Jere Fillman. Some new classified staff that we welcome this year are Dallas Wilson who teaches computer lab, and Kelli Ripatti who instructs in the title one department. Please welcome them when you get a moment.

Valley View was blessed enough to get a new library this summer due to enrollment increases and the need for more space. The students and staff and are enjoying the new building and additional square footage to the campus. Please stop by and take a look when you get a moment.

Mrs. Bartoe and Mr. Harrison’s classes worked really hard and did a great job putting on a musical that was titled, “The Clifford Show.” Both classes sang songs for the many family members that attended. It was a great event and we look forward to more in the future.

Each month VVES celebrates and educates a different character trait. For the month of September we discussed and highlighted students who displayed respect. One child a month is chosen by their classroom teacher and the students this month are:

Cheyenne Barras, Asa Sanders, Ava Copeland, Lillian Banks, Reece Liermann, Brecken Miller, Olivia Tapani, Dayami Lopez, Carsen Lambert, Kaydi Curiel, Taren Bateman, Nadia Webster, Kaelan Robbins, Miley Fleck, Basil Michaels, and Evelynn Mart. Please congratulate these respectful students when you see them.

Thank you to the many wonderful volunteers and visitors we have at our great school daily. You are appreciated!

For all upcoming events please visit our webpage at:

— Nathan Williams

Valley View Elementary Principal