Saturday, December 28, 2024

Applicants sought for Pancakes to Pilot Scholarships

| September 27, 2018 1:00 AM

The last EAA Pancake Breakfast of the season is this Saturday, Sept. 29 at the airport.

The local Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) needs more students to apply for flight training scholarships. EAA Chapter 757 holds monthly Pancake Breakfasts the last Saturday of May through September to raise funds for flight training scholarships. Food is provided by generous donations from 3 Mile Café, Super 1 Foods, and Safeway. Northern Air donates the hangar space for all EAA events and meetings. Their donations really make a difference and provide our local students with great career opportunities.

Applicants must be students, either in school or already in a flight training program. There is no age limit, but high school age students will receive priority. Scholarship recipients will be funded for ground school fees, excluding books and materials. The three or four highest achieving ground school students may receive additional funding for flight training adequate for most students to solo. Depending on the number of applicants, smaller scholarships may be available to assist with advanced pilot training.

Go to the EAA Chapter 757 web site ( for specific scholarship application information and requirements or contact Gene Andrews (208-610-8339) with questions or suggestions. Applications are due by Nov. 13, and should be submitted to EAA Chapter 757, 64602 Hwy 2, Boundary County Airport, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805.

EAA meetings are held each third Tuesday at the Boundary County Airport, Northern Air training room or hangar at 6 p.m. All are welcome to attend. There is generally an information or training presentation along with the meeting. The group is currently constructing a World War I Sopwith biplane replica (much like the aircraft in our letterhead) as a training exercise and fun project.