Friday, May 03, 2024

Granola-Sour Milk Muffins

| April 4, 2019 1:00 AM


Barbara Rexford

Granola-Sour Milk Muffins

I haven’t made these muffins in years. It makes more muffins than I can eat. The kids used to love them.

You can use any granola you like, but they are better if the granola has a fruit in it. If it doesn’t you can add some raisins or craisins to the mix or maybe some well diced apples. A sprinkling of cinnamon sugar on top of the muffins before you put them in the oven is a nice touch.

Also do not pack the brown sugar. If your brown sugar has hardened, one way to soften it is to put a slice of fresh bread in the container overnight. In the morning you have soft brown sugar.

Served with a nice omelet and a slice of bacon you have a great start to the day.

If you don’t have sour milk or buttermilk you can sour regular milk by adding a little lemon juice to the milk or you can add a little sour cream to make your one cup of milk.

I always use cupcake liners so they are easy to remove from the muffin tin. I have an eight cup muffin tin and I use it for this recipe so you get eight nice large muffins. If you use a 12 cup, you can put a little water in the empty cups.

1 egg

1 cup sour or buttermilk

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/3 cup melted butter or sunflower oil

1 1/2 cup granola, slightly crushed

1 1/4 cups flour

1 tsp salt

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

Heat oven to 400 degrees. Grease eight muffin cups. Beat egg with fork in medium bowl. Beat in milk, sugar and shortening thoroughly. Stir in remaining ingredients just until flour is moistened. Batter should be lumpy. Fill muffin cups 3/4 full. Bake until light brown, 20-25 minutes. Remove from pan immediately; serve warm or cold.

— Barbara Rexford