Friday, March 14, 2025

Shelman's friends are hiding, where can they be?

by Tanna Yeoumans Staff Writer
| April 4, 2019 1:00 AM


Courtesy photos Children ages six and younger are invited to search around town for Shelman’s friends. Some of them look like these stuffed animals. They will come with instructions which may have something to do with an Easter basket.

BONNERS FERRY — Shelman Realty is hosting a fun event for children younger than 6: they are hiding Shelman’s friends in businesses around town for them to find. This event is to promote local shopping as well as celebrate Easter.

Once the child finds a friend, there will be instructions attached to it as to what to do next. Take the Friend to Bonners Ferry Shelman Realty and fill out an adoption certificate and receive an Easter basket to share with the family.

“The plan is, we want to try to support and encourage Boundary County residents to support the local businesses,” said Broker/Owner GRI Steven Carey. “We are just one small business, but we want to send a message, and one of the ways we thought to do that was to get people to go into these stores. We thought we would do Shelman’s Friends, which are stuffed animals, and hide them in stores.”

After the children get their friend, they will get their picture taken with the Shelman bigfoot carving (if the weather is nice), the adoption certificate for their Shelman’s Friend, and then the Easter basket.

“The whole idea is for the little kids to go in with their parents and follow the clues as to where they would be,” said Carey. “We all need to support our community more, we need to keep it whole.”

The event begins today, April 4, so keep an eye on the Shelman Realty ad to find clues as to where his friends could be hiding.