Friday, March 14, 2025

Public open houses scheduled for Moyie Springs sewer project

| April 18, 2019 1:00 AM

MOYIE SPRINGS — The City of Moyie Springs is hosting two open houses over the next month to gather public input on its upcoming sewer treatment facility project.

The city will be asking voters to approve a $3.5 million bond on May 21 to support improvements to the facility. Principal forgiveness and/or grants could offset some of this amount in the future.

This project is required by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and Environmental Protection Agency to bring the existing treatment facility to modern standards and meet permitting requirements. If the project is not completed, IDEQ could begin issuing a fine of $1,000 per day to the city until the system is upgraded.

The scope of the project includes improvements to screening, the sequencing batch reactor, chlorination and biosolid handling.

The first open house is Tuesday, April 23, and the second on Wednesday, May 15. Both open houses will be held from 4­-7 p.m. at Moyie Springs City Hall, 3331 E. Roosevelt Ave. As it is an open house format, residents are encouraged to stop by anytime between 4­-7 p.m. on either date to learn more about the project and provide input.