Thursday, March 06, 2025

Letter to the Editor: “Looking for a Ship”

| April 25, 2019 1:00 AM

CAP’N BAILEY: Looking for a ship

Arriving into homeport after a winter voyage, I was quick to notice that my old boat was missing.

The Barber Ship was a good ol’ scow. She weathered many a hard blow, be it hair dryers or heavy winded landlubbers. Many a yarn there be told of sea and storm and tragic woe, often a seafaring man or gal, come broadside to ‘ho!’ a salty pal.

There be flotsam from brass to bones. Shark jaws and portholes to wander through. Many items were deep sixed near the gang plank, hoping to wash upon her deck in hopes their memories there be hold.

The “ship” was properly pillaged before Davy Jones took her home. May she rest in peace. Captain Dave still holds treasures in his chest, be it booty or memories at its best.

Forever thanks to all who walked upon her deck. Her crew Lisa, Karen, and Larry who drifted on to command their own ships. Thanks Tom U. for your vision, pen, and friendship.

Smooth Sailing,

Captain Dave Bailey

Bonners Ferry

P.S. “Never met a boat I didn’t like”

Footnote: “Looking for a Ship” — Book by John McPhee

Thanks to our merchant seamen