Friday, March 14, 2025

Tryouts and open gym set for cheerleading

by Andria Hedrick Contributing Writer
| April 25, 2019 1:00 AM

BONNERS FERRY — Open gym will be held on May 2, 9, and 16 from 4:15-6 p.m. at BFHS Gym.

This stunting and tumbling open gym is designed to encourage students to try new activities that they may not be exposed to outside of participating in the sport of cheerleading. With the help of previous BFHS cheerleaders and NIC cheerleaders, we will be demonstrating, teaching, and helping with stunting and tumbling (probably some dance and cheer techniques).

This is also a great way for students to prepare for Cheerleading Tryouts. Grades 6-12 welcome to attend. There are no costs associated. All coaches and cheerleaders will be volunteering their time. There is a Facebook event created for open gym if students or parents would like to stay informed and receive helpful tips and techniques.

The Facebook page is @BonnersFerry HighSchoolCheerTeam. This Facebook page is only for informative posts regarding upcoming events and is not for communicating outside of the upcoming events. BFHS is not responsible for any posts or comments on this Facebook page.

BFHS Cheerleading tryouts are May 27-31, after school. There will also be a meeting on Thursday, May 23 to discuss tryout and team requirements and answer any additional questions.