Deviled Eggs
Deviled Eggs
This may seem strange with all the recipes I have posted here, but I have never made deviled eggs. I was in the possession of a large amount of eggs to use up and a potluck on the horizon. I decided to try my hand at deviled eggs.
So many different recipes so I decided to try my hand at my own concoction. So for any of you who have also never made deviled eggs, here is my recipe.
6 eggs, hard boiled, cut in half with yolks carefully removed
1/4 cup mayonnaise (and I use my homemade mayo)
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1/8 tsp salt
freshly ground pepper
1 Tbsp more or less of relish
1 Tbsp fresh diced parsley
paprika for garnish
Place whites of eggs on a plate. Mix the remaining ingredients well including the yolks, except the paprika. Place the mixture into the egg whites. Dust with paprika.
— Barbara Rexford