Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Mirror Lake Ladies' Golf Report

by Ada Gardiner Contributing Writer
| August 15, 2019 1:00 AM

For the week of August 6-7, Game of the Day for the Tuesday evening players was “Throw Out Your Worst Hole.” The winners were Gerry Ann Howlett, Low Gross (47); Elaine Morgan and Renee Murphy tied for Low Net with 32, and Elaine Morgan won Low Putts with 15.

For the Wednesday morning players, Game of the Day was “Best Ball Foursome.” The winning team was Team 3A whose members were Evelyn Rae, Linda Hiatt, Anne Bonar and Carrie Figgins, together a net 23. The Low Gross winning group was Team 1B whose members were Therese Helmer, Ruth Ann Wilson, and Blanche Studer. Putting not otherwise in contention so no winners there.

The Mirror Lake golf ladies meet every Tuesday evening and/or Wednesday morning at the Mirror Lake Golf Club in Bonners Ferry from the beginning of May through mid-October. Arrive at 5 for tee off at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, and 8:30 for 9 a.m. tee off on Wednesday.

Any interested lady golfer is welcome to join in at any time. We hope to see you soon as we are now on the downslope of the season but with some very fun days still to be had!