Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mirror Lake Ladies' Golf Report

by Ada Gardiner Contributing Writer
| August 29, 2019 1:00 AM

On August 21, eleven Wednesday morning golfers got up extra early to travel to Libby, Montana to golf with the Cabinet Mountain Ladies’ Golf Association in their “Bling” invitational tournament. The Mirror Lake ladies came out pretty well with Linda Rupley winning the overall Low Net award in Group B with a 68, and Ada Gardiner winning the Low Gross award, Group B, with 106. Other Mirror Lake winners were Gerry Ann Howlett, Longest Drive, Group A, Cabinet Mountain Hole #5, Linda Bogden, Longest Putt, Group A, Cabinet Mountain Hole #6 and Closest to Pin on Hole #3, and Anne Bonar, Longest Putt, Group B, Cabinet Mountain Hole #17. Cabinet Mountain’s Anna Guthrie and Monika Bartko won Low Net, Group A with a 68 (Anna), and Low Gross, Group A, with 90 (Monika.) The Mirror Lake ladies thoroughly enjoyed the Cabinet Mountain ladies’ friendliness and hospitality, delicious lunch, special entertainment, fun raffle prizes and challenging course, notably the back nine.

The “Game of the Day” for the Wednesday morning players who stayed behind was “Best Ball,” with the team of Julie Williams, Roxey Little and Blanche Studer winning with a score of 16. After the Tuesday evening golf group played their rounds, the players gathered to acknowledge Julie Williams, a long time Mirror Lake ladies’ golf participant, supporter, winner and loyalist with congratulations on her new work adventure to China and wished her a safe journey and successful sojourn there.

The Mirror Lake golf ladies will be meeting for golf every Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning from now through the end of September, so there are still many days left of golf to be played. Play Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning at your convenience, or both if you wish, there is still time! Tuesday evenings arrive at the Mirror Lake Golf Club at 5 p.m. for tee off at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday mornings, arrive at 8:30 a.m. for 9 a.m. tee off. Any lady golfer is welcome to join!