The Tuesday's Trouble have finished nine weeks of bowling
Davonna Cada got high scratch game 175, high handicap game 259, and second high handicap series 645. Alice Van Gundy tied for second high scratch game 161 and got high scratch series 421. Helen Heritage tied for second high scratch game 161, got third high handicap game 230, and third high handicap series 626. Carolyn McNeill got third high scratch game 156 and third high scratch series 420. Melayne Stevens got second high scratch series 421. Lila Finley got second high handicap game 240 and high handicap series 654.
The Stormys (Donna Kent, Alice VanGundy, Donna Nystrom) got high scratch game 439, high scratch series 1198, and third high handicap game 640. The Breezys (Davonna Cada, Nancy Chatworthy, Jeanne Osborn) got second high scratch game 434, second high scratch series 1171, and second high handicap game 651. The Tsunamis (Lil Jimenez, Lila Finley, Helen Heritage) got third high scratch game 427, third high-scratch series 1150, high handicap game 666, and high handicap series 1867. The Heatwaves (Evelyn Smith, Zetta Graupner, Carolyn McNeill) got second high handicap series 1848. The Blizzards (Nina Saunders, Regina Colby, Melayne Stevens) got second high handicap series 1848.
Davonna Cada got a four bagger. Doubles were bowled by Donna Nystrom, Alice VanGundy, Donna Kent, Melayne Stevens, Jeanne Osborn, Zetta Graupner, Evelyn Smith, Helen Heritage and Nancy Clatworthy got two.
Splits were converted by Melayne Stevens and Helen Heritage the 3-10 and Nina Saunders got the 5-6.