Sunday, March 02, 2025

Gun Club News

| February 7, 2019 12:00 AM

Feb. 3

Bonners Ferry High School Team, Dukes Claybusters: Fifth Week

Wow! what a beautiful day, the second of February, 42 degrees, wind blowing from the southwest and sunshine.

Top shooter today was Kamen Nelson, 16 yards, missing his first bird out of the house and then breaking 24 straight; he broke 14X25 on the 26 yard line, for a total of 38X50. Note: Colin Fairchild’s last week score was incorrect,

it should have been 24X25 and 22X25 for a 46 score. His score was turned in correctly for the Big Sky I-Net shoot. This week Colin broke an 18 on the 16 yard, and handicap a 16 for 34X50. Colin was out of town Saturday so he shot with the old guys Sunday, very cold with a hard wind form the Northeast, with cloudy skies.

Melanie Campbell had a good score of 18X25 and 16X25 for a 34X50, Cassidy Underhill bought a 12 gauge 1100, but was too sick to shoot. Hope she gets well soon. Ryan Carelli was just getting over the bug and still not up to par, but he broke 16X25 and 11X25 for 27, proud of him coming out today. Dane Hathaway tied Kamens overall score of 38X50 with 19X25 and 19X25 from 22 yards back, Wyatt Hathaway broke 21X25 and 13X25 for 34X50.

Our new team member is Zane Carver and improving every week, today 20X25 and 16X25 for 36X50; our other new member, Wyatt McDonald, is doing great with a score of 19X25 and 14X25 for 33X50.

Remember, good grades in school mean good scores shooting.

Bonners Ferry Gun Club

Annie Oakley’s are always a good time by all. Today “A” class was won by Lonny 22 and 20=42, “B” class won by counting back was won by Charley 19 and 18=37. I really appreciate Ken Brink for all the help making sure the guns fit the school kids. Also the other shooters who help. Ken is also a great gunstock maker.

Today was rough day for shooting, 26 degrees and a hard northeast wind with low clouds. The targets were jumping all over the place.

Shoot safe and straight. Keep your powder dry.

— Coach Lonny Jelinek