Sunday, February 23, 2025

Naples Elementary Newsletter

| February 7, 2019 12:00 AM

Dear Naples Families,

Is it just me or does January feel like the longest month of the year? While this can often cause me to feel like winter will never end, it also is a reminder of the fact it’s one of our most productive months in the classrooms. The return from holiday break often seems to ignite a spark in students and their learning. Just this week, we have seen many students meet and exceed the goals they’ve been working on all year. It’s so exciting to see the positive changes!

In addition to the learning, the time since our last newsletter has been packed full of activity:

- Winter wear donations from Mountain West Bank

- Annual Christmas program

- Holiday craft day

- A break-in, a little news coverage, and a HUGE outpouring of community support

- A Schweitzer ski field trip

- Reading is the Resolution book bags and books

- A smoking fast fire drill (everyone out and accounted for in less than 2 minutes)

- Winter benchmark testing in writing, math, and reading

- Teacher math training

- Hosting of the BCSD Board of Trustees for their monthly meeting

- And another Schweitzer ski field trip

I am sure there have been other events I may have missed. There’s never a dull moment here at Naples Elementary!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the MANY supporters who reached out when our school was robbed. We were flooded with phone calls, social media leads, emails, letters, visitors, and donations. We have done our best to create a list of the donors and are working on all the thank you cards.

I also want to be sure we thank the people who reached out and offered help; especially our Naples neighbors: Alta Forest Products, Naples General Store, and Northwoods Tavern. Upon hearing of the event, they each immediately came to our aid. They have helped us in so many ways. We are grateful for their continuing neighborly support.

Additionally, we would be remiss not to thank our local law enforcement and school district officials for their speedy response, investigative work and recovery. Specifically Sheriff David Kramer, School Resource Officer Travis Stolley, Bonners Ferry City Officer Jason Trujillo, Sheriff Deputy Rich Stevens, BCSD Superintendent Gary Pflueger, Maintenance Supervisor Bob Overman, Technology Supervisor Rob Kent, and Bonners Ferry Glass for the quick repair and installation of additional security measures.

If we have missed anyone, please know we are grateful for your positive thoughts and support! We are blessed to be members of this phenomenal community!

Finally, I would like to end this letter with a word of gratitude to the entire Naples Elementary staff and students. During an event that was nerve-wracking, scary, and heartbreaking all at once, they stood strong, supported one another, and focused on the good while maintaining an environment of safety and security. We all learned so much through this event. What I was reminded of was something I already knew. Naples Elementary is the little school with the big heart… and its community’s hearts are even bigger. Again… THANK YOU!

Until next time, GO WOLVERINES!

— Principal Robin Merrifield